Promotion Denied

My husband has been offered a promotion more times than I can count on my hand. He’s never thought twice and denied them all. I used to get a little irritated until I started to see what he saw. Once you get a team under you, you will more than likely be fired if that team of yours sucks.

Gino got offered a great position yesterday, but the crew that he would be over sucks, and he doesn’t want to lose his job, our insurance, our security over that. So, once again…. promotion will be denied.

I’m okay with this. Gino’s going to be starting school and he doesn’t need to be stressed out about stuff at work while doing this. Home Depot is not the long term goal – it’s just a place to sit while we wait to get to where we want to be. And I must say the insurance is really necessary with a cardiac baby.

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