Pregnant Woman & Their Tempers

My patience was very close to non existent today. I don’t know what my deal was {maybe the fact that I’m pregnant had something to do with it} but my son definitely could feel it.

Tonight he told me:

Mom, you know your temper you had today. Pregnant woman have to take their temper WAY down, because your heart can start beating really fast and then your baby will cry.

So, you just have to 1, 2, 3 and {he took a deep breath}

And I just love him so much.


5 thoughts on “Pregnant Woman & Their Tempers

  1. Apparently I haven't been reading your blog faithfully and I missed the prego announcement. Congrats!! I am actually happier and very pleasant when I am pregnant–LOL!! At least your son knows what he is dealing with 🙂 I will try to check-in more often, and get back on track for Mondays,

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