Aliyah’s First Tanning Bed


I’m sitting in the hospital with little miss Aliyah and can’t connect my computer to the Wifi and thought to myself ~ what a perfect time to try to blog from my DROID.

Aliyah was born with something called Coombs. The word made me squeemish and wonder what the %*#! But once the doctor explained it a little more I relaxed. Aliyah has the blood type of A+ and I have the blood type of O- so basically my blood was attacking her blood, which makes her belirubin levels high.  For the first few days of her life the levels weren’t alarmingly high, but as of yesterday they were.  She was looking a little too yellow and after getting her blood tested it was decided she needed to be admitted into the hospital and spend some time under lights.

It’s really been uneventful, she spends most of her time in the incubator and comes out every 2 hours to eat and get snuggles from her mama.

I just can’t get enough of this baby girl and feel so happy and so blessed to have her in our family.  She’s such a good baby so far!  She loves to just snuggle into me and I just love to breathe her in.  I look at her and am in complete awe at how she’s mine, and she’s Gino’s, and she looks equally like her brother and her sister ~ she’s a new little puzzle piece to our beautiful family.  I’m still on a cloud 9 high over her.

9 thoughts on “Aliyah’s First Tanning Bed

    • I commented on your post… I can’t believe that nurse did that to you! How horrible!!! I’m definitely blessed that they encourage me to nurse as much as possible here.

  1. gosh darnit she is too cute, even in her tanning bed! I’m sending you guys some sweet thoughts from down here in Cali, lots of love and prayers and all that stuff. Be strong mama & dad, you guys are gonna get through this and come out on top!!!

    • Haha isn’t she so cute in that picture? She’s seriously in love with her little tanning bed. Thanks for all the thoughts and love from Cali… I love you!

    • I missed this comment from you! I did get the RH- shot, but I’m starting to wonder if the fact that I spotted early on and they didn’t give it to me then might have something to do with this whole mess! We’re still battling it and she’s going in tomorrow to get her levels checked again. Saturday she got released from her 2nd hospital stay w/belirubin levels at 14 and yesterday they were already rising up to 15.9 🙁 Just a big. fat. flipping. mess!

  2. That is such a bummer! Luckily it is something that they can monitor and eventually she will be just fine! When my daughter was born they found out they she had PKU. That is a mess in itself. Now that she is older it is under control but she constantly had to have blood tests after she born. I so understand what you are going through! Keep your chin up!
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