Just a Motivating Monday

I LOVE inspiring things to motivate me and I thought what better of a day to read inspiration than on dreadful Mondays. If you would like to write something you think will inspire or motivate others PLEASE link up!! I’d love to read your words and I’m sure that others would as well!

Your future is not determined by the conditions around you.  It is determined by your faith, your choices, and your efforts. ~ Elder Paul V. Johnson

The turn of a new year is so fresh, so flawless and it’s the PERFECT opportunity to start working on the power of your choices.  You’re choosing to have a fresh start New Years, right?  So why not choose to start living your life the way you dream to?  Why not choose to happiness?  Why not choose to be the person that you want to be.

These things are so easily in our grasp, but we fail to choose them.  We spend most of our lives choosing to be everything that we don’t want to be.  Don’t forget, when you’re living your life the way that you don’t want to be living it – it’s a choice.

Living our dream life takes effort, you can’t expect different results by doing the same thing you’re doing now…… right?  I believe that would be the definition of insanity.

You have to have faith in yourself. You have to believe that you can achieve whatever it is that you are setting your mind out to accomplish.  Having faith is so important in the realm of life.  Whether you believe in God or not, without faith you aren’t believing in anything ~ including yourself.  You have to have faith in order to choose happiness, you have to have faith in order to choose your dream life.

Don’t let the negativity that surrounds you shape you.  Don’t let the mess of our government affect you.  Make your life YOUR life and CHOOSE to live it to its fullest potential.

The bad news is the past was in your hands, but the good news is that the future, my friend, is also in your hands.. ~ Andy Andrews

11 thoughts on “Just a Motivating Monday

    • Albert Einstein did write say that and it’s by far my FAVORITE quote ever! It’s the one thing in this world that makes more sense to me than anything. That’s one reason why I hate to hear people complain about their situation when they’re doing absolutely nothing to change it.

  1. This post is just perfect! And having faith in myself is something I didn’t have for a long time…until about a year ago. It’s amazing what a little faith can do for ya! All of this hits so close to home and rings so true.

    I’ve missed posting these with you!

    • I didn’t have faith in myself at one point either. I am so grateful that I have it now though, because it’s so important. Glad to see you back around these parts!! Hope you link up one Monday with me 🙂

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