My Heart is Opening

I have always been very stingy on my love with family.  I hold myself back and feel weird about relationships that weren’t always there.

It’s absolutely a HUGE downfall of me.

I’m trying to change though and I think through all of my growing as a person I’ve been doing this past year I’ve gotten to the point that I’ve needed and wanted to get to.

This is me with 2 of 3 my sisters from my father.  The one in the middle, Alyssa, I’ve been fairly close to the majority of her life.  She’s the third of my dad’s.  She’s the one sister from him that I had somewhat of a bond with.  Then the one all the way to the right is Tiona.  Tiona is only 12 and is my dad’s youngest, and while I’ve been around for the majority of her life past 2, I never allowed my heart to open up to her.  Brittney isn’t in this picture, because she recently moved back to Tennessee, but I’m thankful to have started a relationship with her as well.

I’m being honest here, and sometimes honesty isn’t pretty.

I never claimed these girls as my sisters.  I never had that “bond” that we’re supposed to have with sisters.  I only claimed Jessica, my mom’s daughter.  I felt awkward when these girls would call me sister and tell me they loved me.

I’m changing and I’m growing, because my heart is starting to open.  These girls are my sisters.  We may not share the same mom, and grew up in the same home, but they are my sisters.  Maybe it took Jessica cutting me out of her life for me to realize this, but I am happy that I did.

With my family being in such turmoil lately and relationships falling apart I’ve made it my goal to reach each individual in my family that I’m not close with and learn about them, and grow our relationship.

I’m starting with these girls ~ my sisters.

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