Um… anxiety much?

We’re waiting to hear on this house. This house is THE house for us… the perfect, beautiful backyard with a porch that puts warm fuzzies all over my body! There’s planter boxes for gardens, a peach tree…. and basically I have all of my hopes and dreams into this place.

The waiting game is KILLING ME!!!!!! I just want a phone call that says…. yup, it’s YOU and YOU and your family will get to have the summer BBQs while watching your kids play in the back…. you’ll finally be able to cook in a kitchen that you aren’t suffocated in.

With every day of waiting that I have to go through, my heart is freaking aching.

I know that everything that is meant to be will be…. I live by this, and try not to get too let down on certain things. It’s just that I got my hopes so high, and my heart so set that the let down will be crushing. I really want the fun summer out back, with our lemonades, treasure hunts, gardening, and peach picking. I’ve used the Secret to the best of my capability, and am scared that any doubt I’ve put into my head has hurt our chances.

If you’re reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say a quick prayer that we DO get this house!!

1 thought on “Um… anxiety much?

  1. Ugh- I so remember what this felt like! It’s emotionally draining to shop for houses… and then bid on them… and WANT THEM! And you’re so right that the right house will be the one that you end up getting, but it’s still hard when you find a house you really LOVE and can see yourself (and your family) living in.
    I promise that it WILL be okay if you don’t get this one. And the one you DO end up getting will be the perfect fit. 🙂 Good luck with everything

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