First Monday Mingle…. on Tuesday!!

Okay everyone…. be easy on me! It’s my first EVER VLOG! I hope to do many more of these and get more comfortable!

Monday Mingle is hosted by {Eighty MPH Mom}!!  Head over and meet other bloggers too!!

This week we get to answer 3 questions…

1. Would you accept an invitation to do a survivor show? What would you hate most about being on the show?
2. When/how did you learn to ride a bicycle?
3. What do you want to have accomplished (personally) in your lifetime?

Untitled from Amanda Garibay on Vimeo.

Thank you for stopping by!! I’m excited to get to know other bloggers! Every Monday I also have a carnival here at Garibay Soup called {Just a Motivating Monday}. My dreams for this carnival is for people to know that they can come on Mondays and read uplifting, inspiring things from me and other link ups…. I’d love to have some of you join in and help uplift not only my week but other’s as well… we all can use a little inspiration ~ especially on a Monday!!

I’m looking forward to joining in every week on this!! Then maybe I’ll start vlogging more :)
