
Over the past year I’ve grown so much more closer to my husband that I’ve ever been in our entire relationship. I wasn’t married when I got pregnant. I didn’t even get married until our son was 2 1/2. And even still I can say that I don’t think we were ready to get married. Many people say that there’s no difference. People use the ‘We’re basically married’ card. ‘Oh, it’s just a piece of paper.’ There was a time in my life where I was just like those people. I didn’t understand marriage. Life moved so fast for us before that I never stopped to appreciate or really understand marriage.

Over the past few months it seems like my marriage is not only growing stronger and stronger AND STRONGER, but I’m really grasping what a wonderful thing marriage is. It’s such an amazing feeling to know that we are here for each other. We are here to be best friends. I feel so lucky to be in a marriage that has gone through so much. We’ve been at low points, points that people actually get divorced over. We stuck it out. There have been times that I was not in love with my husband. But I stuck it out. I know there have been times when he was not madly in love with me. But he stuck it out. Isn’t that the point of marriage. Isn’t that why we say “For better or worse?” I am so happy that we can look back on all of our hardships and put a smile on our faces, because we are now at a point in life where we are so happy with each other. We were talking yesterday how divorce is never going to be an option for us. Gino told me about how there’s some famous person who recently passed away and the first date he ever went on was with his wife. They stayed married forever. Some interviewer asked him if they ever considered divorce. He says, “Never divorce, murder, but never divorce.” I thought that was so funny.

I love that my husband is my best friend. I love that we have so many things in common. I love that he loves me for who I am. I love him. I will always love him – even when I fall out of love with him, I’m just going to hang on for that moment that I fall in love with him all over again. The journey of marriage is one of the most exciting journeys in this lifetime. I love it. I love being married. I love learning everyday that marriage is not just a piece of paper, but one of the strongest bonds between humans.

2 thoughts on “Marriage

  1. I couldn’t have written better myself. Mike and I may have rushed into it, but we love each other so much, and I know that regardless of the bumps we’ll make it. You’re right, it’s so much more than a piece of paper. It’s the promise that you make to each other in the eyes of God, and the promise you make to your family that you are committing yourself to someone. You put the faith in that person and vow to each other to never falter. The highs and lows can be quite a ride, but when you’re married, you have someone there with you.
    I love you Amanda, and I wish you and Gino a life of love and laughter and togetherness, forever.

  2. You are so correct. Marriage is the most wonderful, difficult, rewarding thing two people will ever do together…..besides raising kids 😉

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