Did she really say deodorant on her boobs?!?! Yes I DID!

It’s Works for Me Wednesday!! I’m gonna share a tip that can come off as a little gross, but it’s what works for me… DAILY! This heat is killing me ~ I cannot stand being sweaty. It DRIVES ME CRAZY! What’s worse is I have these boobs on me that are huge compared to what I’m used to. I wasn’t that small before, but ever since my pregnancy with Ella, I’m big – and big means SWEATY!

I told you this was gross, so if you’re offended then I guess I just lost you as a reader, but if you’re a woman, and a woman with boobs then I’m assuming that you’re still reading. When I am going through my morning routine I grab my deodorant and put it on my underarms, then I put it under my boobs and in between. Waaalaaa no sweaty boobs.

There’s a lot of other great tips going on over at Shannon’s blog.

10 thoughts on “Did she really say deodorant on her boobs?!?! Yes I DID!

  1. You did NOT just post about this! I saw your link and had to follow it for WFMW. You are a crack up. (I wonder if it would work for ME…)

  2. I’m glad you’re more comfortable but, you really should do some research on the aluminum in your deodorant and it’s connection to breast cancer. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  3. hehe….I’ll remember that the next time I get sweaty boobs! But you know my legpits won’t be sweaty! 😉

  4. Definately gonna try this!!! As to the aluminum, that hasn’t been proven. But if you are still concerned, there are many deodorants w/o aluminum.

  5. I was thinking the same thought as mother hen. Maybe try baby powder? That is what I put on Lily in her little fat rolls.

  6. Awesome advice! I didn’t get grossed out. I actually just packed a bra to change into after we go hiking, I’ll try the deo thing too.

  7. I love this, but I too will try powder instead. I saw a new documentary on antiperspirant, and aside from the aluminum, the big problem with not sweating is that it keeps toxins inside. They claimed this can cause breast cancer to develop-just by using antipersirant under the arms, near the breast. I can only imagine that using it on the breasts is worse. Oh, but the sweaty feeling there IS gross. Brave of you to post! Thanks!

  8. saw you on wwfm…and who couldn’t come over and check this out..just by the title! hilarious and truly a great idea.

    although i am not “well indowed” in that area, i do use deodorant on my thighs. you know “till i lose more weight” and so they don’t rub raw when i’m walking around in a skirt.

    cute post!

  9. I also have used that trick. However, I use my own homemade anti-perspirant that does not have any aluminum. Since it’s in a spritzer bottle, anytime I have a hot flash coming on, I go in and spritz myself so I can cool down.

    The recipe is on my blog under the category TIGHTWAD TUESDAY.

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