Inspiration from the Bishop

On Monday night we went to a Fireside at the Bishop’s house. He was putting it on for the missionaries, and our missionaries invited Gino and I. So, we dragged my Grandma along with me. I know she didn’t want to go, and honestly, Gino didn’t want to go either, but they’re both happier than you could imagine that they did go.

The Fireside was on his trip that he takes to Israel. The trip that my Grandma and Gino were supposed to go on, but this year they won’t be going. Hopefully next year they’ll get to go. The presentation was amazing. Our Bishop is the most spiritual, inspiring person I have met yet. His passion floors you.

I think it was kinda cool how he showed some scenarios that prove the Book of Mormon to be true. I guess I could write about the main one that was so amazing. They discovered a cave in the town of Lehi. Inside the cave there were ancient writing on the wall and they had an archeologist come in and analyze the writings. He determined them to be from 600 B.C. and that they talked of predictions of Jerusalem being destroyed and it had a sail boat and 4 men w/strong legs. The archeologist was confused as there was no large body of water near enough for a boat and he had a hard time putting it all together.

The archeologist went to the University of Utah where he got wind of the the story Nephi talks about in 1 Nephi. He was shocked and said, “Hey! How do you know that? Where does that story come from?” They handed him a Book of Mormon and he read the story and said, “Oh my gosh! This is it!!! This is the story in the cave!”

Hearing that story from the Bishop alone had chills all over me. My Grandma wants to meet with him once a week, and so does Gino. I’m sure he doesn’t have the time for something like that, but it sure would be nice.

It was inspiring. I left wanting to be a better person. I left wanting to try harder to read the scriptures. I left happy with my decision to be right where I’m at in my life right now. I’m not perfect, and I’ll never be perfect. However, I’m trying really hard, and I’m happy with that. I feel blessed that I’m a part of a ward with humble people. People that have not judged me and people who have loved to see how much the church is slowly changing my family’s life.

I have put my BOM reading on hold, and it’s going to stay on hold for a little bit longer. I’m going to start reading with Gino from the beginning. Then once I get to where I left off on my BOM blog I’ll continue writing.

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