A Strengthening of my faith

In less than 2 weeks my husband is going to be baptized!!!! I’m getting so excited for him. I think the most exciting part is that we’re 1 step closer to an eternal family…. I LOVE THAT!

My MIL called last night and had some questions, and they were a little hard. They were questions about the church that I understand, but I’m not good at explaining. My biggest fear is that they’re going to have a negative attitude and ruin it for Gino. It’s hard to understand when you don’t know, and I’m hoping to have the missionaries come over and answer any questions they might have before the baptism. This is a huge decision for Gino, and probably the best decision he’s ever made for himself. I did suggest to his step-mom that they get the discussions if they’re interested in knowing what their son is getting into. The main thing they should be happy about is that we have a strong family and the church makes us stronger. Hopefully they take my suggestion and get the discussions…. what’s it gonna hurt?

Last night when I got off the phone I thought it was amazing how much stronger my testimony felt. Whenever I’m faced with someone who doesn’t believe that this church is true I have this burning feeling in my soul, and my testimony just gets stronger and stronger. It’s sad to me. It’s sad that there are so many people out there that I love that have no idea how this could be the most important thing in their lives, but I can’t force it on them. All I can do is continue to do what I’m doing and be thankful that I have the gospel in my life. That my children are being given the opportunity to have the gospel in their lives, and that my children will be a forever family. That in itself is one of the best blessings I could ever ask for.

General Conference is this weekend!!!! I’m so excited to watch it.

3 thoughts on “A Strengthening of my faith

  1. Picking a church to belong to is much like picking a car out. Some people like Toyotas some like Buicks. The end result is still a car. Just because Gino is becoming a Mormon, and they remain Christian or Catholic, they are still within the realm of the Lord, showing him faith and accepting his gifts and his unconditional forgiveness. At the end of our days, He shall have the last judgement, regardless. I am so happy for you and Gino, for keeping your family together and strong as a unit. It is not him leaving his family (your in-laws), he’s just “driving a different car”. Lots of love and support from this family – Sammy

  2. Wow, I’m so happy for you both. I hope you can get those missionaries over: I would imagine that they will be so happy to come and answer your questions! You can also go to mormon.org and click Ask A Question at the top. Their site also has a lot of answers to common questions.

    Hooray for y’all. I’m really so happy for you.

  3. I am stoked about General Conference too. Sometimes it is hard for even lifetime members (like myself) to answer questions. You did good in telling her to talk with the missionaries, they seem to so a much better job of it.

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