Get out of a slump!

Works for me Wednesday! It no longer is with Rocks in My Dryer, but is now being hosted by one of my favorites…. Kristen over at We are THAT family. She has a great blog and I highly suggest checking it out.

Sometimes I have days that I can’t think of one thing that works for me. Yesterday I had this overly productive day where I cleaned off the top of my fridge, which had been accumulating things well over a year, put together a cabinet thing to keep our DVDs and games in so that my toddler will stop throwing them everywhere and did laundry. It was a great day! Then I woke up today and don’t feel motivated to do a darn thing.

It is however a day that I need to share with everyone something that does work for me. So, I’ll share with you how I get out of a slump like this. First thing I do is shine my sink, because Flylady truly is on to something here, then I start a load of laundry, then I make my bed and then I go and wipe down all of my bathroom counters, then things start happening after that. I in a way start getting motivated and it works. Yes, I do have to FORCE myself to do these things, but if I don’t then the day is wasted with me and some cheesy movie and lots of sugar… not a good thing.

What do you do to get out of a slump like I’m in today?

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