Happy BlogNerd Bash – All About Bloggin’

I hope everyone is having fun partying it up at all the Non-BlogHer parties. Today’s an extra special Non-Blogher Party day in these neck of the blogs, because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

If you haven’t yet, please head over to {THIS POST} to introduce yourself and comment & link up for that prize IT’S A GOOD ONE!!!! And if you haven’t hit up the {BlogHop party} ~ you definitely should be checking it out.

There is one thing that each and every single one of us has in common. We are BLOGGERS! I know that at BlogHer they are getting a ton of great information that we’re missing out on. Bloggers are uniting to share their ideas, listen to great speakers and so much more that I have no idea about.

I figured we could all act as guest speakers today and give each other the best blogging advice that we have to give. Maybe throw in advice on blog topics to write when you’re having bloggity block. After you give your advice you can switch it up and ask the bloggity world advise you need on blogging.

My advice for bloggers is simple. It’s what I’ve done from the beginning is to speak from your heart. The blogs are supposed to reflect us, for who we are, so it’s okay to let it all out. It’s okay to blog about the things in life that aren’t always happy, because sometimes that’s what people need to read about. When we read about all of the rainbows in people’s world it’s almost upsetting to think about the world you’re in with the money struggles, the strain on your marriage, the imperfect things you do, the times that your kids are acting a fool and you are ready to FREAK OUT… does that make much sense?

Comment! We all love love from others out there. I try to comment to ALL of my readers, and I know that might be a lot when you have hundreds of readers, but touching base with them and letting them know that you appreciate them coming to support you means a lot. When I first started out and had virtually no readers the first comments from somebody knew gave me so much excitement. We all are here for somebody to listen and knowing that somebody is there makes it worth it. So no matter how small or big your blog is spread the comment love.

Now for my question ~

I am starting to get to the point where I want to review products. How do I get started in this?

Also~ I have been having a totally difficult time getting another sidebar on this blog. I figured it out, but for some reason the sidebar will linger on the bottom instead of the top. I found one thing that told me what to change to fix it, but when I did what I said it wouldn’t work… UGH! I am so frustrated, because I have ideas for this sidebar ~ and it will make me feel so much better to have it accomplished.

And Now for Today’s Giveaway!!!! All you have to do is leave a comment for an entry

If you link up w/a post giving your blog advise (and you can even ask a ? like me!) 3 more entries ~ but make sure that you leave 3 more comments for 3 more entries.

Tweet about this and you get another entry ~ just make sure that you leave an extra comment

Rachel at {Spangler Fam} sells {SCENTSY}!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scentsy. I love walking into my home to most delicious aromas. The best part about it to me is that it’s a flameless candle, so I don’t have to worry about my toddler knocking it over and burning my house down.

She is offering one of my readers a burner that she has and you will get to choose 3 bars of whatever fragrance your pitter patter heart desires ~ let me just say that French Kiss is my FAV!
I can’t wait to go through and read everyone’s blogging advise ~ and I hope someone can answer my ?’s 🙂


39 thoughts on “Happy BlogNerd Bash – All About Bloggin’

  1. I have no advice as I'm wondering whether to start doing giveaways. I'm the UK so I never feel I'm able to enter the US ones, so am debating setting some up myself.

    I like blogs that make me laugh though. Could that be counted as advice?!

  2. I have no clue about anything. Truly. I rock as a nurse, but the rest of life I kinda make up as I go along. Even my blogging.


    Maybe I should be seeking professional help!

  3. Hi, stopping in from BlogHop'09–when I changed my blog to three columns, I did better by chaning the whold template–I found a downloadable one for Minima 3-cols and used it, then added the b background. I tried altering the code to add a col to my existing template and couln'd get it to work.

  4. What a great idea! I'm headed to do some work, but I'll come back and link some questions/answers later!

    I haven't had the chance to experience Scentsy yet, but I'd love to start!

  5. I can't wait to hear other bloggers advice because I am pretty new to blogging. Thanks for hosting BlogNerd Bash. I have already visited some really great sites from last nights links.

  6. I don't have a blog so my advice may not mean as much…but I sure do read a lot of them. My advice is do the best you can and take a break when you need it so you don't get burned out! Thanks for the chance (I just discovered Scentsy), justicecw@hotmail.com

  7. I don't really have any advice. I'm still trying to figure out what keeping a blog, taking care of kids and being the best wife and mom I can be all figured out. I might put a different spin on your blog request. I hope that's okay?

  8. I have no idea about the sidebar; sorry. 🙁

    As for product reviews – I ask. If there's a product I'd like to review that I believe would be mutually beneficial (as in, I believe my reader base would be a good venue for the manufacturer's product), I email them and ask them if they would consider sending me the product for review. I tell them a little about my blog – how many visitors I average, what general topics I blog about, who my readers are (and make sure to give them the address!) – so they know why I think it will benefit them. To date, I think I've been turned down exactly once.

    Of course, common sense comes into this, too. If you're not looking at a $1,000 item, and it's well-targeted to your audience, most manufacturers/publishers will recognize the benefit to them.

  9. Blogging advice: while it's great to write about what your readers are looking for, write what's in your heart too.

    Twitter: @ErinBassett

  10. First of all, Happy Birthday. Secondly, as far as reviews, look on my blog on the left sidebar. There is a scrolling thingy there that says Blogrolls, PR and other good stuff. Anything that has PR, go to and send in your info–tell them Kris of Hands, House and Heart Full sent ya ;-). They will get you started. I'm going to be starting a new segment soon answering some questions like this…keep an eye on my blog! I'd love to win the Scentsy thing btw!

  11. I don't have any advice, sadly, but thanks for yours. My posts tend to be impersonal and impartial, but when I do talk about something that has happened in my life, I seem to get more responses. 😉

  12. I *shock and awe!!* actually do have a recommdation about starting to do reviews. I've been associated with the Parent Bloggers Network for some time now. They're currently on a hiatus of sorts — reorganizing after the new FCC regulations, but they are FABULOUS ladies and extremely helpful!

  13. I don't use blogger so I can't give you any advice on how to do your template.. sorry 🙁

    But, I would like to win 🙂

    Have a great day!!


  14. I don't know how to do a blog. But I sure would enjoy a nice smelling house with no fire worry.
    Marj McClendon

  15. I don't have a blog…..I wish I knew how to do it.
    Just saying things to make folks laugh would be what I would want to do.

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