A Trip to Happiness

This is an essay I just wrote tonight for my writing class.  It’s a description essay, and I chose to write it on my feelings of moving from Sacramento to Southern Oregon.  I’d love to hear any feedback you have as it’s just my first draft.  I also have to say that I’m having issues for some reason with editing my font on my blog when I’m on my home computer.  I have no idea why I can’t change it and make it larger.  So hopefully this small font doesn’t hurt your eyes 🙂

A Trip to Happiness

I threw the hung clothes into the back of my trunk and closed it, as I was closing another chapter in the book of my life.  The pollen was just starting to bloom on the beautiful, city trees that engulfed my neighborhood.  I felt my heart tugging towards that pollen that I once hated so much.  I was just adding that to the growing list of regulars in my life that I would soon be missing.

I took a deep breath, got behind the wheel and closed the door.  It was final; I was leaving my life as I knew it and taking one of the biggest steps yet.  I looked in the rearview mirror to see a perfect, happy, little boy smiling and ready for the trip.  I wondered if he knew how different life would be; how he wouldn’t be going to Grandma’s anymore.  I wondered if he was taking in the last moments as we drove through the big city as I was.  The things we once loved and cherished were falling behind as we drove, and in my heart it was like they were falling out of my life forever.

The first couple of hours were a blur to me.  Our family made a decision that we knew was best for us, and I tried to focus on that as we drove through a long, boring stretch of nothing.  I was lost within the thoughts of my homesick heart and trying to find the positive in the decision I was once so sure of.  When I felt the tears gather in my eyes, I’d look behind and see my beautiful son smiling and I would find my peace in that smile.  This warmth would flow into my soul ensuring me that we were giving this little boy the best life we possibly could by leaving the city, the drama, and sadly our families behind.

It was time to plant our roots, to watch our family tree grow and flourish, and to learn how to rely only on each other.  I slowly started to see change in my surroundings as I drove out of my blur.  I left behind the city and drove into a straightaway of nothingness, but as I continued on this journey and the more I pressed forward the more of a beautiful sight was before me.  I started to see mountains, and trees of beautiful colors.  I started to see beauty, and something about it started to make sense to me in a way that I didn’t think I’d be able to grasp so soon.

Leaving everything behind was not a sad thing, but a joyous thing.  The city was like a run down, harsh place that only signified our trials, our mistakes, and our unhappiness.  The mountains, the green, the breathtaking beauty offered me hope and excitement.  Just as the scenery was changing along my journey so was my heart.  As much as I loved so much the people and life I was leaving behind, I was traveling into a place where I would learn the true meaning of happiness; the true meaning of family.  I was about to add to this world another beautiful, green tree – my own family tree.

2 thoughts on “A Trip to Happiness

  1. First off…I love u to death my BFF! And even though I was beyond devastated when u moved, it was by far the BEST thing u and Gino have ever done! I know it was scary and heart breaking as u explained, but odviously it was the best decision by far! And a decision that so many people never have the guts and nerve to actually do! I know leaving ur life, home, family and friends behind was hard but look at ALL that u and Gino have built since then!!! You both have grown so much and built a much better home and life for yourselves and ur family! I am so proud of the life u have built and the mom and wife that u have become! I love u!!!

  2. I may be a little hormonal, but this totally made me tear up! I love it!! Especially your describing the innocence and unknowing of your son, who just smiled, making you realize it was okay.

    Your talent is amazing. Your description through the whole thing really painted the picture in my head. =) <3

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