Answered Prayers

Do you ever stop to think about the prayers that God has answered for you? Maybe even the ones he hasn’t.

On Sunday morning at about 3am or somewhere around there I woke up with the worst pain I had ever felt in my right kidney. I thought I was going to die. I at that point resorted to a 6 year old child and immediately called my mommy crying. Her words were go right to the hospital you are having a kidney stone. My husband gets the kids in the car and my pain immediately stops. It was kinda creepy. I went to bed and woke up in the morning feeling kindof like I had a bladder infection. I wasn’t insanely miserable, but I was uncomfortable. It didn’t feel like a normal bladder infection – it just didn’t feel right. Monday morning I woke up after having dreams of having a miserable bladder infection to complete and utter pain. Not in my kidney but in my bladder area. I thought I was going to die again. It was 6am and my doctor’s office didn’t open until 8am. For two hours I complained and moaned and cried. I didn’t know what else to do – I finally prayed and begged for Heavenly Father to PLEASE take my pain away until I could get to the doctors. I couldn’t bare it anymore. Not even 30 minutes after my prayer I had no pain. I made it to the doctors and was informed that I had a lot of blood in my urine and the put me on some antibiotics. If the pain comes back they want me in to do a CT Scan of my kidneys and see if there are indeed stones in there. I have had mild cramping off and on, but no more pain. I have no one to thank other than my loving, wonderful Heavenly Father.

So, this got me thinking about prayers. We go to him and sometimes he answers and sometimes he doesn’t. I can remember praying my heart out when my heart was broken as a young girl. Asking why this happened to me. I thought he wasn’t answering my prayers when in fact he was. During my heart break he gave me my true soul mate. Gino. I really believe that some way or another our prayers do get answered. Sometimes not in the way we want at that moment, but in the way that they are supposed to be. I know my prayers are answered a lot, and a lot of times I don’t even realize it when it’s the small things. But I noticed the minute my pain disappeared on Monday that he was there. He knew that I needed Him, and he helped me. I am so thankful for Him.

On another note – I updated my Book of Mormon Blog FINALLY! I would like some input on 1 Nephi Chapter 8 if you would be so kind to read it and give me your input over on my BOM Blog. Thank you!!!

2 thoughts on “Answered Prayers

  1. What a great post about prayer this is. It’s so easy to say that God isn’t answering your prayers just because He isn’t doing it in the way you want Him too. It is so hard for me to give up my will to His, even though I know that He will always give me something better than I could think up myself.

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