Do you have the Mirena IUD?

This is a different works for me post. I figured that this is a good way to put a word out there on people out there with the IUD Mirena. I first off must say that I have really loved it! My periods are so light and I’ve been told that they may even stop all together, BUT! They say that there are no side effects. That your ovaries will still do what your ovaries are supposed to do. That is a big fat FALSE!! I got my IUD put in on 10/1/2007. A few months ago I started having anxiety attacks and I’ve been more irritable than I’ve ever been in my life. This was so out of control that I actually got a prescription to Xanax and then eventually tried Gaba Ease, which I must say has helped immensely. So part of my works for me is Gaba Ease. If you have irritation due to hormones, anxiety or stress this is a natural supplement that has shocked me with it’s magical powers.

Okay, I’m getting to the point of the whole IUD spill. I was such an emotional/hormonal wreck that I called the doctors. I had hormone testing done and I went in yesterday for my results. The “women’s” doctor’s office that I go to does research and they’re starting to recognize that what I’m about to tell you happens to a lot of people that have Mirena. My progesterone levels were at a .47! I’m a 25, non-pregnant female and my levels should be in the 5’s. Having such low progesterone levels has dropped my estrogen levels down to a 58…. I have numbers like someone in menopause! No wonder I’ve been a batty psycho case. I’m so relieved that this can all be corrected by taking a progesterone pill (which I start tomorrow!!) to fix this, because I was getting ready to pack my bags and move out for the sake of my family.

So, if you have Mirena and you sometimes feel really foggy in your head or you just downright know that you are about one flipout away from a nice hospital visit (okay I really wasn’t that bad) then go get your hormones checked!!! And if you have stress/anxiety in your life then order some Gaba Ease….. because it really works for me!

Thank you so much for joining me for this week’s edition of Works for Me Wednesday ~

For my other Works for Me Weds. topics CLICK HERE

If you’d like to read a bit more on my crazy life and thoughts CLICK HERE

If you’d like to high tail it outta here and read what works for other’s over at Shannon’s CLICK HERE

3 thoughts on “Do you have the Mirena IUD?

  1. Thanks for this post! One of my good friends has this IUD and she has been a basket case! I’m going to call her first thing in the morning and tell her to call her Dr..

  2. I found your post while researching the Mirena IUD. I had mine put in March of 2007. I was not a heavy bleeder, but when I had the IUD put in, I bled terribly, and had horrible cramps (I was told this may happen). Then my periods became very light, and I have not had one for 7 months! Though some may welcome this, I do not :)..I went to my midwife last month, fearing that I may be pregnant, because I had the symptonms and had to go to the bathroom constantly (this started over 2 months earlier). This has gotten worse, and I am now having the IUD removed.

    All of your descriptions of mood swings, fatigue, (symptoms of pregnancy??), etc, I have them. I am sure my body and my family will be happier once my body has recovered :).

    Thanks for posting this.

  3. Thank you for posting this. I actually own a Dutch forum for Mirena victims. I can’t believe how many women are out there suffering while their doctors say it’s NOT Mirena!
    On you may find loads of reactions too. And the Curezone forum (search for Mirena) has a gazillion reactions for Mirena side effects!
    Take care and good luck to you


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