Motivating Monday with Tylaine from Just Me!

I LOVE inspiring things to motivate me and I thought what better of a day to read inspiration than on dreadful Mondays. If you would like to write something you think will inspire or motivate others PLEASE link up!! I’d love to read your words and I’m sure that others would as well!


This week we have a treat!!! The wonderful and beautiful Tylaine from {Just Me} has come over to Guest Post for not only the Friends You Love bloghop, but for my Motivating Monday!! I love the subject that she touches on! I hope you enjoy her as much as I do 🙂 Make sure you head over to her blog as well and give her a visit!! There’s a linkup at the end if you have any Inspiring/Motivating posts for this Monday 🙂

Thanks so much to the lovely and wonderful Amanda for asking me to guest post. I chose to talk on something I am trying to make an effort to become: Being a Virtuous Women

Several months ago I had a lesson in church on being a virtuous women. That lesson really touched me because it got me thinking how it applies to me and I came to the unattractive conclusion that I’m really not in many ways. I know so many wonderful, amazing women that I would consider virtuous. I want people to think of me that way too. I mean not to be vain or anything but when people think of me it would be nice if they had good thoughts about me, ya know?

Women inherently have so many wonderful, beautiful, charitable qualities. I believe that it should be our goal to nurture these qualities and our potential. I’m definately not saying we need to be perfect (cause that’s impossible) and ofcourse we’ll continuously make mistakes but that’s ok. All I’m saying is that if it is not our desire to be more virtuous and loving and charitable then we are not being true to ourselves. We are not living up to our potential or our God given gifts.

Sometimes I think though “ya sure it’s all easy and wonderful to be a virtuous women when things are going your way and life is rosy” but what about when it’s not? What about when it downright sucks? Maybe this is the time when it’s most important; when it’s the hardest. I just read an amazing book called The Traveler’s Gift (recommended by none other than Amanda) which I would highly recommend if you want to better your life. Anyway one of the steps in improving our lives it talks about is choosing to be happy….each day making the conscious choice to be happy. I never really thought much on how it is a choice. I mean ofcourse you hear that and stuff but I never REALLY thought about it. I’d say things like I just wanna be happy. Well noone’s stopping me but me are they? The book talks about the example of Anne Frank and how she would do this and how she always had a wonderful attitude and outlook on things even despite her dire circumstances. She would look at her situation as not being nearly as destitute as those being shipped off (that sound awful but for lack of a better word). Now if she could do it in her circumstances I sure as heck can. I can compare myself and my situation to those around me and look at how much better off and happier other people are but it’s only gonna make me more depressed! It would do a lot of people including myself a lot of good to count our blessings daily. I need to change me! I am the only one that can! I need to make the decision to be happy. Cause if I don’t…I’m missing out on something really beautiful.

Dear Self,

It’s time you made a change in your outlook on life and therefore your relationships and your happiness. It’s time you stopped letting yourself down. It’s time you started living up to your potential. It’s time for no more regret.


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