He knows he’s different

Today we were watching Horton Hears a Who and Jayden says about Gordon, “Mom, he’s different or unusual huh?  I’m unusual aren’t I?”

I’m telling you that it seems like this past week with Jayden has been a roller coaster of emotions.

My reply to Jayden was simply this, “Jayden, everybody in this world is different and unusual, because if we were all the same how sucky would that be??”

Yes, I said sucky.

Tonight I just felt this heavy heart with things going on that I haven’t quite finished my blog post on regarding him and I just had to grab him and hug him.  And I told him, “Jayden I hope you know how special you are and that you are so loved by everybody in your life.”

“Mom, why did you tell me I’m special?  Is it because…. you know… I’m…. you know…. unusual like in Horton Hears a Who?”

When they say parenting is hard, you don’t realize quite how hard it truly is until you are a parent.  I know God doesn’t give you more than you can handle, and I know Jayden was placed with us, because God knew that we’d be the best parents for him.  So I need to have a little faith in myself as we embark down this road together.  I won’t have all of the answers for him, but I sure as hell can try!  And if anything, I will make sure that he knows that his mom is ALWAYS here, ALWAYS loving him, and ALWAYS accepting him for who HE is, because HE is everything to ME!

7 thoughts on “He knows he’s different

    • It is hard 🙁 I think he’s starting to think this way about himself because kids at school tell him how weird he is. This whole thing is crushing my heart, Shell…. I just don’t like my baby to ever feel like he’s not good enough, or that he’s weird. If he only knew how amazing he is really is. I make sure that he hears it all throughout the day, because if there are kids kicking him down I’m determine to drag him right back up!

  1. You’re right he is special, very special and each beautiful child of God is very special and unique in their own way. I wish I could just reach out and give your beautiful little boy a hug and tell him that! Love you Amanda!!
    Tylaine recently posted..Friends you Love-Crystal

    • Thank you, Tylaine. That’s what I’m trying to focus on with him right now is pointing out how we are all different in our own very special way… and that Heavenly Father made us that way!

  2. Oh for goodness sakes, stop making me cry when I come over to your blog. You take my feelings, wrap them up and spit them out on your blog so much prettier than I can *lol*

    He is special…but like you said, we ALL are. In our own, very unique way because yes…otherwise it WOULD be sucky.
    Sarah recently posted..Lingering for a while…

  3. You are such a sweet and wonderful mother. I don’t know what is going on but I know that he is a great kid. Love you girl!

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