6 Month Pictures and Stats on Miss Ella

6 Months old – Crazy!!! I know this post is a little late, she turned 6 months old on the 14th Valentine’s Day 🙂 But I’m just now getting around to recording her stats and updating on her doctor’s appointment. She’s 17lbs 10oz. 26 inches long. New things she’s doing: She’s discovered her shadow. She started this past week saying Gagagaga. She’s still trying with all her might to crawl, but can’t quite figure it out yet. She basically falls on her face 🙁 Poor baby girl!!! During her 6 month doctor’s appointment her Dr. was talking about how pretty soon she’s going to develop separation anxiety and blah blah blah well, in the middle of him explaining this all to me she’s watching his every move. Then out of the middle of nowhere she screamed her head off. Ever since that moment Ella has separation anxiety and screams every time I walk out of the room. She loves Jayden. She get so excited when he walks in the room and whenever he actually pays a little attention to her, her face lights up. She still hasn’t gotten any more teeth, but she has the 2 on the bottom. And when she bites they hurt! She loves other babies and gets all excited when she sees them. Already my social little butterfly. She discovered splashing the other day in the bathtub and I’m putting a video of that on here. I know that almost every picture of her she has no clothes on, but I promise you she has plenty of clothes….she just loves to be naked w/a diaper on. With how much this girls spits up I love her to be just in a diaper too.

EDITED TO ADD: I was just reading on my blog and it looks like I already did a little update on Ella’s 6 month stuff – see what having kids does to you? It sucks all the brain cells out of your head UGH – oh well, I hope you enjoy the pics and video of my little princess.

Quick Update

It sure has been a while. My friend, Jenise, came up from Sacramento to visit for a few days. It was the first time that she got to meet Miss Ella!! She helped out so much and I’m thankful for every ounce help she gave. She did lots and lots of laundry for me – my most hated thing ever.

I’m still having issues with my breathing, heart, anxiety… whatever it is that’s going on with me. Yesterday I went in for an echo and the results should be in next week. They looking to see if one of the little flap things stick, which can make me feel like how I’ve been feeling. It’s frustrating to feel this way. I don’t like feeling like I can’t breathe. I don’t like feeling on edge.

This weekend I’m planning on taking the kids to get their pictures done. We might even do a family picture – I haven’t really decided yet. Ella hasn’t had professional pictures done yet and I feel absolutely HORRIBLE about it. They’ll be cute and that’s all that matters.

That’s just a quick little update on me here.

Results are in………….

And I do not have a thyroid problem. Next step is they’re going to do an echo on my heart. I don’t find this step necessary, but I also know that it’s not going to hurt anything so I’ve agreed to it. Today I’ve been having extreme difficulty in breathing. Tonight it’s a little better than it’s been all day, but I actually have to struggle to take a deep breath. If I feel this way in the morning I’ll call my doctor up and ask to come in and have my oxygen level checked. I starting wondering today if this has to do w/the cold I had – maybe there’s stuff in my chest that I don’t realize and that’s causing this. Or maybe I have asthma. You know, there has been so many random ideas going through my head on what in the world is going on. I don’t have anxiety today. In fact I’m pretty relaxed. So why am I having a hard time breathing? I guess I’ll have an answer eventually. Here’s to hoping I feel normal tomorrow!

Jayden’s First "Real" Valentine’s Day

Last night Jayden sat down with his list of school mate’s names and wrote out each and every single Valentine. He was so excited this morning to go to his Valentine’s Day class. He even wrote “I Love You” on his girlfriend’s Valentine. I bought him the movie Aladdin for Valentine’s Day w/some chocolates. I couldn’t wait for him to get out of school today so I could watch it with him. That is one of my FAVORITE Disney movies. I think he was a little shocked when I knew all the words to all the songs. Actually I was a little shocked that I still remembered them. Yes, I was singing. Jayden would get mad if I sang the “boy” part. I was only allowed to sing when Jasmine sang. Jayden made me the sweetest card I’ve ever seen. In the pictures you’ll see his hand prints that are made into a heart and he wrote out the card all by himself. I’m so proud of him. He has turned into the most sweetest boy. Watching him grow into such a respectable, sweet , precious soul is so rewarding.

6 Months Old

I cannot believe that my little girl is half a year old. Where did the time go? Today for some reason (I’m assuming because she is now 6 months old) she has been trying to full blown go mobile on me. If I’m holding her she’ll flip herself out of my arms. If she’s sitting on my lap she’ll lunge forward. Now she’s even getting up on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth and trying with all her might to move forward. This has made me realize that this weekend I will be going to Target to pick up all the baby proofing things I need. So my little Valentine didn’t get all dressed up cute, even though I had boughten her an adorable outfit for today. We’ll have to do Valentine’s Day pictures this weekend. Here is a couple pictures of her today though.

I went to the doctors

I decided shortly after posting my last post about my anxiety that I needed to call my doctor’s office. So I called, made an appointment and they had me in at 1pm today. The did an EKG and I got to see that I do not have a delta wave, therefore I do not have what Ella has…. RELIEF! However, they did labs on me today to see if I might possibly have a thyroid problem. In the meantime, while I await the results of the blood tests, I was prescribed Xanax. I took one probably around 3pm and w/in 20 minutes I was feeling 100% better. It’s now 11:22pm and I’m starting to feel the heaviness around my heart. This is so frustrating! I think the only solution is me going to Mexico for a week – maybe 2 weeks. I’m really anxious (surprise surprise LOL) to find out what my blood are results are going to be tomorrow.

A New Car! With some anxiety

It’s almost been a week since my last entry here. We’ve had a busy past few days and I actually have put the computer away for a while and only came on to quickly check my email. I must say… it felt good! Thursday we bought a second car. FINALLY! We actually have been getting by with one car for a long time now, and it’s nice to finally have 2. Neither of us will feel stuck if the other is gone. This decision of course had to be made since Gino is going to have to now be to work @ 4am and Jayden has to be to school by 7:50am. So, we got a 2004 Jetta w/only 26k miles on it. It’s a stick and I’m in love with it. It is, however, Gino’s car. That thing isn’t big enough for both of the kids…. but when I’m going somewhere by myself you bet your butt I drive that thing. I LOVE STICK SHIFT CARS!

I’ve developed a horrible case of anxiety these past few days. Almost to the point that it’s scary. I get shortness in breath to where I can’t take a deep breath. My heart feels like it’s pounding and I just downright feel helpless. There have been many times in my life where I’d say “I have horrible anxiety.” What was I thinking?? What I used to *think* was anxiety is nothing compared to what this feels like. The first thing that ran through my mind when I first felt this was ‘OMG, I have what Ella has‘ I seriously thought I was about to have a heart attack. We were at Target, so we went over by the pharmacy where the blood pressure checker thing is and it said that my pulse was @ 103. Not terribly high, but it is high. I don’t know what my deal is, but I don’t like it. I might make an appointment to see a doctor, but from my understanding there really isn’t much a doctor can do for you beside prescribe medication that I in turn might become dependent on. So, today I’m thinking about maybe finding a yoga class to join and see how that works for me. I just know that I do not like feeling like this.

No More Baths

Jayden is now too “old” for baths. He’s six years old and six year olds take showers. I must say I’m quite pleased with this new decision of his. Last night while Jayden was in the shower I cleaned MY bathroom – not his… MINE! It was so needed. He actually is doing a good job washing himself. Even his own hair! He uses a loofah like his daddy (yes he probably would kill me if he knew I was putting this on the world wide web) and I could watch through the clear glass door to see if he was doing a good job. It was all a success. No splashing, no water on the floor, no me bending down to help him. I like this no more baths deal. He was even singing in the shower… how cute is that? It amazes me how every day this little boy of mine is growing into his own little person. I cannot believe that he’s 6. I cannot believe that he no longer wants to give his dad a kiss goodbye (boys do not kiss boys) I can’t believe that my baby is not a baby.

A Quirk About Family

I have a weird quirk about me with calling someone your sister, cousin, dad, brother…whatever, basically, relative if they’re really not one. For instance. My friends are never “Aunt whoever” They are simply known to my children (well my son since Ella is still very young) as whatever their name is. I cringe inside when I hear somebody refer to someone as their “cousin” if they’re really not cousins. My husband has done this and no longer does, because I cannot stand it. I can’t even call my in-laws mom and dad, because they are not my mom and dad. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I think even my husband is catching on to this, because the other day he was telling me how irritating it is to go to his cousin’s myspace and see her label some of her “friends” as cousins. FINALLY! He understands where my crazy brain is coming from in some way.

Are you ready for my quirk to get even weirder? I have 4 sisters and 1 brother. Jessica is my sister through my mom. She is my best friend, the one I fight with, the one I call and cry to, the one I have a million inside jokes with, the one who knows every little secret of mine LITERALLY, she’s my sister. Mitch is my brother through my mom. He’s the one that even after screwing me over time and time again, flaking on me, doing the worst things possible like every little brother does, I still love him. He’s still my baby brother. Even though they are my half, they feel like they are full siblings to me. Brittany, Alyssa & Tiona are through my dad. I didn’t grow up with them. I am just now starting to be in their lives. They ARE my sisters, yet I feel odd calling them my sisters. I get that feeling that I was explaining above. Maybe it will just take time to get used to the fact that I actually do have other sisters than Jessica. At first I kinda freaked out a little bit, because none of them are Jessica and I didn’t like the fact that they looked up to me as a “big sister” when in fact I didn’t feel like I was their big sister at all. I am now faced with living away from the only brother and sister I ever knew and living by 2 of my dad’s girls. I hope that in time I can become close to them. I have a more of a chance of having a good relationship with Alyssa, since she is 15. Tiona, however, is only 9. She’s 2 1/2 years older than my son. He’ll probably know her a lot better than I ever will. Brittany lives far away. I talk to her occasionally through text or myspace, and sadly, we’ll probably never have a close relationship. I have such a twisted family, and I’m working on appreciating everybody in it. Close or not, I should work on having a relationship with everybody in it…. in some way or another. Right?

Quick, Tasty, Easy Chicken

It’s Kitchen Tip Tuesday and I’m letting the world in on our secret, yummy chicken we make a lot.


Chicken – legs, thighs, breasts, basically whatever chicken you want to eat
Olive Oil
Garlic Salt – or not if you’re doing no salt I just LOVE garlic salt
Soy Sauce
Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy (I promise it’s not spicy – just tasty) Seasoning
Mrs. Dash Chicken Seasoning

Here’s What You Do:

Line your pan w/Olive Oil – not thick, just enough to cover the bottom.
Put your chicken in the pan – then sprinkle all of your seasonings, soy sauce and olive oil (just a little of olive oil) over the top of the chicken. Cover and cook on medium. After it’s cooked on the one side, flip over and once again sprinkle all of your seasonings, soy sauce and olive oil (just a little of olive oil) over that side of the chicken. Cover and continue to cook on med-low until done.

Okay, I know I suck at explaining recipes, but I hope you get the idea here. If you have any questions just let me know in my comments and I’ll reply in my comments. There’s flavor in every bite!

For other Kitchen Tip’s visit Tammy’s Blog