This is why being a mom is hard!

My kid does not have friends.

It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s not in school, because he had no friends there for the 3 1/4 years he was there.

As I’ve mentioned before, he has a language disability and it makes him socially awkward.  This in turn makes other kids and probably their parents think he’s weird and then they don’t give him a chance to open up and know the sweet, lovable, amazing Jayden that there is to know.  If you ask him who his best friend is he usually will say this girl he went to school with who probably doesn’t even pay any mind to him.  It’s heart breaking to me, and I can only ask a parent so many times if their kid will play with my kid.

Jayden is going to be 10 years old and it’s not okay to not have a friend that you can invite over to hang out with you, ride bikes with, play video games – just plain out be a kid with!

He’s okay with it.  He’s happy and enjoys doing the things that he loves like video games and playing games with his 3 year old sister, but a 10 year old’s best friend is not supposed to be a 3 year old.  I have him involved in activities and he enjoys them while he’s there – but that’s the extent of Jayden’s social life.  Tonight I picked him up from boyscouts to see him running around and around and around singing this song that’s in his head while the other kids are just quietly standing there.  He’s different!  We’re all different!  Why in the hell is it so hard to my son to have a damn friend who will accept him for who he is?!  We’re Mormon!  Hell, shouldn’t some of the kids in our ward befriend him?  No.  He doesn’t get invited to the birthday parties, he doesn’t get invited to ANYTHING – Jayden is ALWAYS the one left out and forgotten.

Look at him – he’s the sweetest kid you’d ever meet.  I don’t get it.  And I really don’t know what to do about it, because my heart is breaking.  

These are reasons why being a mom is hard. Not the fact that you have to actually take care of them, pay attention to them, feed them – all of that is easy peasy in my book! It’s the worrying about their health, their heart, their feelings, how this horrible, cruel world will treat them.



The little truly know what it’s all about

There’s this time in life when there’s no stress; no worries. The rising sun and the fluttering butterflies are the here and now – nothing else matters.

I’ve been paying attention to a lot of the young children these days and am sad to see so many growing up way too early. It is our job as parents to keep them innocent. I’m seeing 11 year olds with makeup and dressed like they’re 19 and I cringe inside. Why in the world would their moms take their childhood away from them?! I’m sorry, but there is absolutely NO NEED in this world for a 12 year old, let alone an 11 year old to be wearing makeup! 13 should only be the introduction to light makeup!

I just don’t fully get the rush! I know that the tweens are just DYING to dip their toes into the life of a teen and shortly after adulthood, but dang it! Once they are in their 20’s they’ll look back and wish that they still were innocent; still didn’t understand the worries of the world.

They’ll wish that they could have a tea party on the beach

Something about this picture is more refreshing than I can really, truly put into words. I can try to muster this out though, we live our lives by moment by moment. This moment, right here where the girls are so innocently gazing at the ocean makes me realize something so simple.

Life each moment like it’s your last, treat people like it’s the last time you’ll see them, chase your dreams no matter how old you are, reach within the depths of your soul and pull out that inner child within you – and remember that each moment that we have on this earth is a gift so treat it that way <3

I’m FASHIONABLY Late! Ultimate BLOG Party!!

I’ve had this whole post envisioned in my brain to do for the Ultimate Blog Party – because, come on! The Ultimate Blog Party post has got to be THE post….

But, my dear new friends, the post I envisioned isn’t happening. Because that’s life! It’s havoc and while it might be enchanting havoc….. at moments it’s definitely HAVOC.

So while I wanted to invite you in to grab a warm cup of goodness or a nice cold class of bubbly somethin somethin while you went on a guided tour around my blog, I’m gonna say – no major guided tour. Just a few little things about me –

I am mom with a camera.

I am a mom with a 9 year old boy who loves to tap dance.

I am a mom of a 3 year old diva whose favorite movie is Grease {gotta love her!} and loves to sing in the mirror. 

I am the mom of a 4 month old scrumptious baby girl that I just can’t kiss enough!

I am a special needs mom. My son has Sensory Processing Disorder along with ADHD and pragmatic language disorder. But he’s the sweetest dang thing that I’ve ever seen. My daughter has wolf parkinson white syndrome {a heart condition that puts her into SVT – if you’ve heard of Stellen basically she’s like him…. just controlled with meds} – She’s almost died. Twice. There actually was a moment in my life where I thought my daughter was dead.  The feeling I felt at that moment has forever changed who I am inside, and how I live my life.

I am PROUD to say that I am a new homeschoolin’ mama!!!!  And thank goodness I have the blog world to grab my hand and lead me down this new awesome journey!!

I am a positive inspirational JUNKIE!!!! I have a way of finally being able to see the sunny side of every situation….. even the really dark ones. Normally when I’m with it – haven’t been lately – I host an inspirational carnival on Mondays. It’s called Just a Motivating Monday. I usually do a post on positive thinking or ways to make you feel good inside and put a linkup for others to join in. If one of my posts helps one person…. EVER…. then my Motivating Mondays have served its purpose.

A little about my love of blogging:

There’s a whole lot of blogs out there…. so many that sometimes I feel overwhelmed and saddened that I can’t go and read them all. Blogging to me has shown me basically into the souls of some amazing people. I say people, because the dad blogs out there RAWK! I’ve found that I’m not alone in so many of life’s events that I go through, and reading others’ experiences helps me to grow from and understand mine. I have discovered my love for photography through blogging. I have found my little corner in this extremely huge blogoverse and poured my heart out. I’ve let strangers into my heart that I’ve never talked to, never met, yet have turned them into friends.

Blogging is a part of me.

~ Thank you for stopping by ~