Personal Revelation? Or just coincidence?

This weekend my husband and I got to go out on a date.  You have no IDEA how needed this date truely was.  We have gone from spending LITERALLY Every. Single. Day together…. since he doesn’t leave for work until the evening, and I stay home…. to NEVER seeing each other. 

It’s a change.

Probably a good, needed change.

But regardless, it’s a change.

And I miss him SO. FLIPPING. MUCH!

So this date was very much so needed.

This post isn’t about our date though.  It’s about something that occured on the date and something that has me REALLY thinking… hard about how God uses us to do his work.  If we stop and actually try to read into the feelings we receive or the thoughts that randomly enter our brain, we might put our finger on what it is that he’s trying to get us to do to help Him.  I call this personal revelation and I truly believe that each and every single one of us receives personal revelation from Him.

At one point during my date my eyes wandered over to a man and his date.  I instantly looked deep into this mans face to see if it was the boyfriend of my sister’s mother {one of my sister’s from my dad}.  I have no idea why I did this or why I would even think it was him, but something inside of me was suspicious.  Seeing this man put in my head a weird feeling about “George” {we’re changing his name up to protect his identity}.

Now here’s what I don’t get, people.  I never see my sister’s mom, her boyfriend or even think about them.  I do know that they live in separate homes, but they are TOGETHER and they share 2 babies.  I recently did a photoshoot of their cute babies {HERE}

Now, let’s fast forward to the end of our date.  My husband and I are walking out to our car from the movie theater when this man holding this blonde’s hand caught my eye…. so I looked and then I stopped DEAD IN MY TRACKS.  By golly gee… it was “George”!  AND he was holding hands with another woman walking towards the theater.

I did what anyone would do… I hope, and I called my sister {who was babysitting my children} and she called her mom.  And her mom went to the theaters and BUSTED him.

Now…. here’s my thing.  Why was I constantly looking for any man that would resemble “George”?  I believe that if we pay very close attention to the feelings that we feel deep inside there probably is a reason for it.  Maybe not every feeling or suspicion, but if something hits you out of the middle of nowhere, it just might be personal revelation from God.

Call me crazy, but I believe that God put me at that exact moment and had me aware looking for what was going to be happening.  And I’m thankful that He did.

Just a Motivating Monday ~ Charting our OWN course

I LOVE inspiring things to motivate me and I thought what better of a day to read inspiration than on dreadful Mondays. If you would like to write something you think will inspire or motivate others PLEASE link up!! I’d love to read your words and I’m sure that others would as well!

This is my first time doing Just a Motivating Monday on the new blog!  AND I’m realizing I don’t have a button for Motivating Monday, so I’m just going to put my regular blog button for this week and work on designing a new one for next week.

I’m going back and grabbing one of my favorite quotes that I try to read and live by.  It’s hard, because we as humans forget how important it is to respect others for their decisions.  I know I do!  I hope that this touches your heart in a way like it has touched mine.

“Each of us must direct our own lives, chart our own course and make our own decisions, and what is best for me is probably constraining for you. We too often forget the fact that what most of us need is to be nurtured, not improved. An emphasis on improvement confirms our inadequacies, while nurturing affirms who we really are and who really loves us. Too often we try to help others by seeking solutions to their problems, or giving them our plan for personal improvement when what they need is love, understanding and acceptance.

Let us remember these two things: that personal joy comes from appreciating the present and that the greatest gift we give to others is a nurturing heart.”

I think that if we all lived by what is said above that we would all be much more joyous and happier in our own personal lives.

Ba da ba ba ba I’m LOVIN IT!

Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays

Working is weird to me. 

I seriously cannot believe that at one point in time I did this for


I was excited to participate in Tidy Mom’s I’m LOVIN’ IT FRIDAYS, but then I realized that my life has been so consumed by BLAH WORK that I don’t really know exactly what it is that I really have been lovin… I feel like even though I’m at home at night it goes by so quickly and then I’m back at work.

It’s okay though, because what gets me through is knowing that at the end of October I’ll be back at home with my precious, spunky 3 year old princess….. and we’ll be anxiously awaiting the arrival together throughout the days of the newest little princess that will be blessing our lives in December.

SO I decided for today that I wanted to just talk about the fun blogs that I have discovered this week for I’M LOVIN’ IT FRIDAY!  Seriously, people…. I am LOVING these blogs!

I’m totally pregnant by the way, so I’m sure you knew that I would be featuring probably the best 2 food blogs out there!  First we have


I would put her blog button right here for ya’ll to click, but I’m not seeing one on her blog….. but I promise, click on her name and you’ll be in love too.  Looking at her Mouth Watering Mondays I think I might have gained some more weight…. and the doctors will be thrilled by this!   

NEXT we have the lovely


When I arrived at her blog I think I heard angels singing in the background…. seriously.  She has recipes that are SO EASY and make you want to bust out your heels, put on that cute apron and play Martha, or Rachel or whoever your favorite foodie is.  {I’m still a little bitter right now that I’m having to be at work… while I could be at home… COOKING!} 

My very next favorite discovery of the week is No Time for Flashcards
No Time For Flash Cards

Dude, she’s hands on with her kid, which is THE BEST and she has the best ideas. When I am at home {oh dear Sweet November how I long for you} I am stealing every one of her ideas. Period. And miss Princess Diva Ella and I will be having the time of our lives. Not that we can’t do it all when I get home from work, but I do need to be spending my time practicing the above blog’s ideas in the kitchen until bedtime… you know, because

I’m pregnant and HUNGRY!

I am joking, people. Kinda.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 11 & 12

These I feel are short enough to be combined into 1 post.

Day 11 ~ Something people seem to compliment you the most on

My eyes.

Day 12 ~ Something you never get compliments on

Being a good mom.  I’m not going to elaborate on this, I just think it’s funny how I come from a family with not the best mothers in the world and I don’t get complimented by them on what a good mom I turned out to be.

25 Weeks, 4 Days & what used to be a Due Date


Today was my due date for the baby I lost in January of this year. It’s weird to me how both Ella & this baby’s pregnancy came right after the loss of another baby. Going to the doctor to find out that your baby has passed away is one of the most excruciating pains that I have ever experienced, and I’ve gone through it now twice.

I do believe that our trials and challenges in life help us to grow as a person. I do believe that while at the time of certain tragedies we don’t quite understand why, but I do believe there is a purpose. My first baby girl, Mya, who only made it to 18 weeks 4 days, mended my broken marriage. God sent her to us to bring us back together, since we had fallen so far apart. We were on the brink of divorce, and Mya changed that. She made it so that Ella was conceived out of love, out of a family that may have been broken at one time but because of Mya was stronger than it had ever been. Without losing Mya I’d have no Ella…. I can’t imagine. Ella has so much life, so much beauty to her.

The baby that was due today made it to 8 weeks. It grew to 8 weeks, I saw it’s heart beat, I started to love it. And then… it was taken from me. I cried, I mourned, I let myself feel the feelings I needed to feel, and then I talked to God. I told God I understand that there is a reason that this baby was not meant to say hello to this world. God knew what he was doing, because not even 2 months later he filled up my womb and my heart with this precious baby girl that I’m carrying now.

I haven’t blogged extremely much about this pregnancy. I haven’t taken weekly belly shot pictures this pregnancy. This pregnancy seems fake to me. I don’t know why, but I think the fact that I’m adding another beautiful member to my family doesn’t seem real.

A lot of times I’ll just be sitting here and I literally forget in my brain that I’m pregnant. Then, she kicks. She nudges me reminding me that there’s a little person inside of my body that will soon be filling up my heart with smiles and coos. She kicks and she nudges to remind me that SHE’S REALLY THERE and she’s going to fill up my arms in only a few very, short months.

Earlier this week we went to visit a friend who just had a baby girl. Everything about her was so little, so new, so precious. My children got to hold her. Ella got to hold her and watching Ella’s eyes light up warmed my soul to the very dang core! I cannot wait to see her with her baby sister.

We still have not named her. My babies are always named clear in the beginning of the pregnancy. This time, I just can’t decide. We have a few different options, Lyla Lee, Reese Lee, Amia Lee, Amia Reese ~ I have a feeling she won’t be named until we meet her.

I might not yet know this baby girl’s name, but what I do know is that she’s a part of me. She’s another piece to the puzzle of my family’s happiness. I do know that her arrival is being greatly anticipated by all of the members of her loving family that can’t wait to kiss her sweet face.

I’m 25 weeks and 4 days today. I’m feeling wonderful, I have my appetite back, I’m starting to really show. I think I’ve been getting emotional lately and might even have a tad of a mean streak in me, because things that didn’t bother me before irritate the crap out of me now. I don’t have much longer to go and then our home will be filled again with the beautiful sound of a newborn baby crying.

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 10

This 30 days of truth challenge has been an extremely within the depths of your soul reaching experience for me. Some posts have been extremely difficult for me to write, some have left me in tears, some have made me smile and appreciate my life. If you are interested in jumping on board and doing the 30 Days of Truth on your blog Angel Believes has all of the topics on her blog {HERE}. Just start at the beginning, go at your own pace, and enjoy it.

I tweet my posts using the #30daysoftruth hashtag, since there is no linkup for this. There’s a few other awesome bloggers that are using this hashtag as well.


Day 10 ~ Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know



I don’t think I really have “letting go” issues. If you’re in my life, you’re in my life for a reason. If you’re not… then I’m sure there’s a damn good reason as to why you’re not.

I don’t wish I didn’t know anybody. People who are in my life are here for a reason, people from the past that were in my life had their reason as well… it’s just their time was up. There are bigger and better things for the both of us out there and we didn’t require each other in our lives anymore…. I guess.

I don’t have regrets. So if you were in my life and close to me once, then I appreciate everything you brought to my life, including the bad. We are fortunate enough to have this life to face our challenges and to grow from them. Without the bad that people have brought me, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I must say, I do quite like who I am today ~ versus oh, 5 years ago. Who I was and who I surrounded around me 5 years ago was HORRIBLE, but I took the opportunity to learn that that person and those friends are not who I want to be. So, I packed up, moved my life and keep a nice, padded distance. But I am grateful to them for teaching me that I can be a better person, and that I can choose more for my life and be an even more amazing example for my children. Without learning that from the negative people in my life I wouldn’t be who I am today.

The Hard Parenting Moments

Stepping out of the bathroom with a huge grin on your face because YOU ARE PREGNANT, you aren’t thinking about the challenges that are going to come along with those 2 beautiful pink lines.

I can still remember walking out of the bathroom and my husband being on the phone with his dad and me smiling holding up the test.  I just was imagining all the cute little baby clothes, and baby feet, and first steps and tickles and giggles.  What I wasn’t thinking about was the challenges that would arise.

What I wasn’t thinking about was that one day while at the park my son was going to be called gay, because he had to encounter heartless children that unfortunately are not being raised with any morals what so ever.

My innocent, little son because he told a kid “Nice bike” is deemed “gay”.  My son knows what being gay is, because he has a gay aunt.  My son knows what being gay is, because this isn’t the first time he’s been called a derogatory name like this by a child who unfortunately is being raised by parents who have no grounds to even be able to have a child.

I as an adult can understand why children act like this.  I can comprehend the fact that this is what they are being raised around.  But my almost 9 year old son cannot.  His sweet little soul asked me, “Why would they call me that?  I’m not gay.” All I can say to my son is…

“You are going to go through your life encountering people who are nasty, people who have a very hateful outlook on this world and towards people.  You are going to have many people attack you as a person because you have morals, you know what’s right and what’s wrong and you care about other people.  Instead of feeling hurt inside over these words that are crushing, I think it’s a wonderful opportunity to pray that whatever it is that’s hurting these people in their lives that they find peace.  Pray that they will soften their hearts and stop lashing out on the world for their own miseries.

No matter what, always know that if you can keep yourself composed and never stoop down to their level and always just wish the best among all of those around you, especially those who hurt you, you will be extremely blessed for this.  I promise that instead of feeling bad inside, you will feel good inside.  You’ll feel like you gave that person something they don’t have, and something they probably never were blessed with.”

As a mom this hurts.  I don’t ever want my children to feel the hurt that can come with other children’s anger and hatred towards the world…. Or should I say their parent’s anger and hatred shining through them?

30 Days of Truth ~ Day 9

Day 9 ~ Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

This happens in life. We have people that enter at the time they are meant to enter, and then drift away when their time with us is completed. I don’t think that I’ve ever experienced a time when someone I didn’t want to let go just drifted ~ unless you go back to my teen years. I now understand that people come and go for a reason. People I once wish never drifted away actually opened another door for my life to begin.

God uses his people to do his work, and this is something I truly believe with every single core of my being. People come and go when they’re supposed to, and while at times if someone might drift away that we just didn’t want to drift away ~ we have to know that there’s a reason for it. What their purpose was for is already completed and you should anticipate the exciting arrival of what new things and people await ahead for you. Treasure the past, but don’t live in it.

Welcome to Enchanting Havoc!

For the past almost 3 years {my goodness I downright cannot believe I have been blogging for almost 3 years!} I have been documenting my life, my dreams, my complaints, my motivation, my inner soul at Garibay Soup.  Garibay Soup is what I’ve been known as in the blog community, twitter and even throughout the friends and family in my life.

But I decided that after I lost my domain that it was the perfect time to make “the change”.  If you’re a blogger you know what change I’m talking about and that was packing up and moving from blogger over to wordpress. Since I no longer had I figured this was the perfect time give myself a complete makeover….. including a name change!

So, I welcome you to Enchanting Havoc.  I chose this name, because honestly my life is havoc.  Things are always hectic, the house can never stay clean, what I create in the kitchen at times turnes into a disaster, there’s just no better word.  My life is havoc….. but my life is enchanting, because it’s beautiful, it’s my happily ever after and I wouldn’t, couldn’t ever ask for anything more.

I hope that you’ll enjoy the new blog!  It’s not 110% done yet, but we’re almost there.  So you might notice little things being changed or not available so bear with me.  But I welcome you and I hope that I can inspire you in some way to see the beauty in the chaos of life!