We’re Doing Things Here

I couldn’t pass up the promotion going on at Curves, which ends today. Donate a bag of groceries and pay $30.00 for the startup fee. I woke up this morning in a perfectly clean bedroom (I ACTUALLY CLEANED IT LAST NIGHT!!!) and set out to start a new thing in my life that will bring me great health. I was excited and I actually really enjoyed it. New plan now is M-W-F will be my Curves days. T&Th will be my walking with Emily day. That’s 5 days a week of doing some sort of exercise. I’m quite proud of myself.

Monday, Jayden starts piano lessons. He’s always shown an interest, and I kick myself in the butt for not getting him in sooner. Now is better than never, right?

Jayden is starting Tball tomorrow. I’m utterly excited for him. I hear that watching their games is hilarious. I can’t wait to finally be the mom on bleachers cheering loud for my son. I can’t believe that Jayden is joining his first sport. While it’s a happy occasion it also is a sad one. With every new thing that he does in life it just rubs in my face that he’s not my baby anymore. He’s almost 7 and knows the Pledge of Allegiance by heart. I’m getting old. I’m really getting old. Why is that I feel like I’m still 18? Why is that I don’t feel like I’m getting old? I remember when my mom was still in her 20’s. I used to brag about that. I remember her 30th birthday and how I was kinda sad that I could no longer say my mom’s in her 20’s. I’m almost not in my 20’s. In 4 years I will be celebrating my 30th birthday and this is a MAJOR eye opener and just makes me more happy about my recent changes in life to be more healthy, happy & to strive to make my life as well as my families memorable.

Jayden thinks he’s holy!!

We’ve only been going to church since the beginning of December. So, the whole thing is EXTREMELY new for Jayden. He loves it. He loves going to primary and loves to pray. He at first was pretty curious about the Holy Ghost. He actually asked my friend while at a primary activity if the Holy Ghost is a demon. I think we’ve got it down now that the Holy Ghost is a good spirit and is with us to help us along our journey in life.

Last night as I tuck in Jayden, say our prayers I get up to leave the room and Jayden says, “Mom, okay, I have to tell you the truth.” I instantly think…. grrrreeeaat! What did he do now? He smiles and says, “I am the Holy Ghost.” And I kissed him and said “Well then I sure am blessed aren’t I?”

Mobile Convenient To Do List

Welcome to Works for ME Wednesday!! This week I’m sharing my To Do list tip.

I love to mark things off of a list. You get this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and it feels so great. What I have found to be the best way to have my to do list and to take it along with me is to use my phone. I actually make things I need to do as an appointment. So, if I have errands to run I will make sure that everything that needs to be done while I’m out is in my calendar on my cell phone. Then as I complete a task or go to an appointment or whatever it is I delete it off my calendar. When I’m done w/all of my errands I check my phone to make sure I’m not missing anything. At the end of the day I always look at my calendar to make sure I didn’t forget to do something. If I did forget and it must wait until the next day then I go in and change the date of that item and it’s on the calendar for the next day. There’s also the reoccurring feature that makes things that happen frequently easy to be set up to automatically be put in.

For other great tips on what works for others visit Shannon’s Blog and go through the list. I suggest getting a nice, hot cup of tea and putting on some nice, relaxing music as you go through them all. And don’t forget to come back on Friday for my Friday Favorites where I list all the tips I’ve read on other’s blogs that I found to be helpful to me.

Ella is crawling!!

The quality of this video isn’t all that great, but it was dark in my living room and the batteries were dying on my camera, but Ella crawled today. I was sitting in the chair and Jayden was coloring and I looked up and Ella was hauling butt to his paper. I was so excited I grabbed the camera and tried to get it on video. This is what I got. For the past few weeks she rolls to where she wants to go. She got pretty good at it too. So, here’s my little paper muncher.

Ella is crawling!!

The quality of this video isn’t all that great, but it was dark in my living room and the batteries were dying on my camera, but Ella crawled today. I was sitting in the chair and Jayden was coloring and I looked up and Ella was hauling butt to his paper. I was so excited I grabbed the camera and tried to get it on video. This is what I got. For the past few weeks she rolls to where she wants to go. She got pretty good at it too. So, here’s my little paper muncher.


Pete is a little boy that I met when Jayden started Kindergarten. Every day we wait outside together for Jayden and Hailey (Pete’s sister) to get out of school while Pete fell in love with Baby Ella. From the moment I met Pete I knew he was special. He was a soul that could put a smile on your face, and from the beginning I had no idea that Pete was indeed a VERY special soul. I have a link on my page called Pete – a boy who touched my life. When I came back from Portland with Ella’s heart problems Kellei (Pete’s mom) told me all about Pete. Pete was diagnosed with Pineoblastoma, which is an extremely rare brain tumor. He was only 22 months when he was diagnosed, and if it wasn’t for Kellei’s mother’s intuition Pete might not be here today. Mother’s intuition is the strongest most powerful thing in this world. I believe that it is one of God’s gifts to us moms. Mother’s intuition along w/a wonderful doctor that followed up on my intuition probably saved my own baby’s life. Ella’s organs were shutting down and we arrived at the doctor’s just in time. Kellei made a video (Kellei let’s talk at school tomorrow on how you made this – you did a GREAT job!) on Pete and it’s touching. You go to his site and read a little bit about him.

I’m posting this for prayers. This little boy probably has millions of prayers for him each day, but one more can’t hurt right? He’s doing great and every 4 months they go back to St. Jude’s and his scans are clear. I’m feel blessed that I have had the honor of meeting this precious soul.

Tin Foil

Can you believe that Kitchen Tip Tuesday is already here? This week I’m sharing something that most of you might already know, but there might be a possibility that there are people like me out there. I learned this about a year ago. I had covered something with foil while baking and when I took it out of the oven the foil was already cold. Then it dawned on me that if I’m baking pizzas, fish sticks, chicken nuggets – basically anything that you would normally pull a cookie sheet out – just put some foil on the oven rack and put whatever it is that you’re cooking on top of it. Then when it’s done you don’t even need oven mitts to pull it out because as the tin foil comes out of the oven it’s cold.

So, that’s my little lazy tip in the kitchen I do. For other tips head over to Tammy’s blog.


So tonight is quite the different night for us here. After 8 years of my husband working graveyard, leaving our house @ 9:30 at night, he is now working days. This means from 2:45pm-Midnight I get to do it all. All by myself! My husband’s lunch break is at 6pm, so I am working on having dinner ready by 6:15pm, and by the looks of it it will be ready at EXACTLY 6:15pm.

I’m in the kitchen cooking and trying to get things done and I hear Jayden, yell “MOM! SHE CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!” In which I reply, “That’s great, Jayden.” I’m completely in my own wonderful world in my head at this point. Then it dawns on me…. WAIT! WHO CAN FLY?!?!?! At this point I’m running out of the kitchen and walk in the living room to find Jayden laying on the ground with his sister in the air being held by his hands and feet. My heart stopped! “DO NOT MOVE, JAYDEN!” “It’s okay, Mom. She’s so strong and she’s a super hero.” Wow. I really have my work cut out for me. It is, however, nice that they actually play together now. I just had to explain that baby does not come off of the ground. Period. End of story. Babies do not fly.

Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Continue with reading at least 20 minutes per day with Jayden.

Marriage: Smile at my husband more often and not criticize.

Household: Follow every one of Kelly’s Missions this week. Work on 2 loads of laundry/day.

Faith: 15 minutes of scripture reading every single night. Kneeling down to pray every single night. Reading 1 bible story with Jayden out of Little Boy’s Bible Stories every night.

Self: Drink at least 6 glasses of water/day. 8 is a little much for me right now, so I want to start off with 6. Take at least 15 minutes in the evenings to pleasure read after kids are tucked into bed.

Friday Favorites

This week was backwards week for Works for me Wednesday so I really don’t have many favorites. I did get great advice on my problems w/Jayden eating unhealthy. I actually tried a trick with him yesterday when he got home from school and told him that Mickey Mouse called and told me to give him a magic bean stalk w/peanut butter. Jayden believed me and actually ate celery w/peanut butter. I almost cried! I am going to invest in the Deliciously Deceptive book. I might even buy the one that was before that one…I heard it’s better 🙂

If you are looking for advice on a certain topic, I highly suggest looking through Wednesday’s WFMW at Shannon’s blog CLICK HERE – you can look through the titles that people posted and if one interests you then click on it and many people gave their tips and opinions on those certain topics.

I added a couple new blogs to my blog roll and am going to feature them here.

GoofyJ has a blog called My Adventures and Antics. She is a wonderful LDS mom who also has a heart baby. Her son doesn’t have what Ella has, but when I was reading her story it was amazing how in ways it was close to mine. It flooded me with memories of that life changing day I went through. I’m excited to start reading her blog and connecting with a wonderful woman who has so much in common with me.

Another blog I added is Elizabeth’s Thoughts From The Turtle Pond. She left a comment on my plea for help on lowering my husband’s blood pressure. She too has a husband who has high blood pressure and posts recipes that are healthy. I’m anxious to start cooking up some good stuff for my husband to enjoy.

I also added a link to a blog called Calling All LDS Woman Bloggers. I’ve always searched for other LDS mama blogs and am so happy to have found this blog! There’s a blog roll with many LDS woman blogs. So if you’re interested go check some of them out. If you’re curious about what LDS (Latter Day Saints) members believe please CLICK HERE – we don’t bite, I promise.

Those are my favorites for this Friday Favorites. I hope you all had a wonderful week…. and DON’T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS SATURDAY NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED!!!!!