I’m gonna ramble here

I’m here to ramble. To get how I feel out, so I don’t drive people crazy with it later ~ you’re more than welcome to stick around and hear me out 🙂

I think it’s kind of been hitting me lately that I’m not pregnant. Especially when I hear about other people expecting. It almost stabs me in the heart a bit, because I SHOULD BE THERE! I should be struggling with morning sickness, getting close to little flutters in my stomach. Dang it! I’m sad.

I feel so torn, because while I’d love to jump right back into the TTC action, I know that there’s a couple of things that need to be taken care of first.  

  • I need to get my hormones checked.  I really feel like my progesterone issues that I had with the Mirena might have had a little something to do with losing this baby.  SO I have to go in and get my hormones all checked and make sure that I’m okay in that department.
  • Next… I REALLY want to lose some weight before getting pregnant again.  I don’t want to go into this pregnancy unhealthy, so if I could drop even 20 lbs before getting pregnant I’d be THRILLED…. if I lost a bit more I wouldn’t be too sad about that.
  • I want to get finished with my Unfinished Business list.

Then I can make a baby ~ when it does happen though I think we’ll keep it to ourselves for a while ~ because if we have a repeat I dread telling people.


Just a Motivating Monday ~ Unfinished Business

If you’re just joining in:
-Write a blog post about ANYTHING at all that inspires you, or something you feel will inspire others. 

-Please link back to Garibay Soup 

-Please snag my Just a Motivating button on your post.

-I hope that we can all go and visit each other’s blogs and read what everyone has linked up ~ I hope that this carnival can bring more traffic for you 🙂 So, spread the comment love!


This week I read in my motivating book I’m currently reading called The Power of Focus that we should make a list of our unfinished business. Then next to each item write how it will better our lives if we complete that item.

I decided to immediately write that list. I wrote things I’ve been procrastinating on, big things, little things, anything that’s been on my mind. So I have this list, and I have just dove into tackling it. I started with something small like cleaning off the top of the fridge, mailed off some much overdue items that needed to be mailed off. Today I tackled a couple of larger items, and I FEEL AMAZING AWESOME!

I’m challenging you this week to do this. Just make your list and put next to each item how it will positively effect your life if you complete this item…. and hang that list up where you can constantly see it. You want those items smack dab in YOUR FACE!  Then start small, and work yourself up to the big items…. get your brain feeling clear of having that nagging to do in your head.  Let’s get our unfinished business out of our life!
