Tuesday Babblings….

These past few days I’ve felt great. I’m up at the crack of dawn and motivated. I’m loving it!!! I just hope that this motivation sticks around.

Thanksgiving is coming up so soon! I’m just anxious for the day after Thanksgiving sales. I need to go online and start mapping out my day LOL. The plan is that my Grandma will be bringing my Great-grandma Louise and my mom should be coming up as well. That will be 5 generations of girls all together. I hope my Grandma Louise is up to it ~ I don’t think she’s been feeling very well lately. I REALLY want to get pictures done with all of us girls.

Tomorrow Gino and I are going to the temple to do baptisms. I am so excited!!!!!! I have a friend who was murdered a few years ago and I got permission from her father today to be able to do her temple work. I feel honored, because Melody was a very special person to me. I’m sad at what happened to her, and feel happy that I get to do this for her. Gino is going to be doing his uncle’s temple work and I know that’s something special for him.

Tears & Chills

Yesterday was just not a good day for me. Gino and I were not getting along and I’m being moody and it was just one of those days. I was driving and thought a text message from Gino came through on my phone and when I went to read it found that it was actually an email telling me I had a comment on my blog from Elder Foy’s sister, Crystal. She saw the video and I had instant chills and tears in my eyes.

I couldn’t imagine going 2 years w/out Jayden. As much as I would love for him to go on a mission and gain his own strong testimony, I don’t know how I could do it. I’m happy that I was able to show Elder Foy’s family that he is doing well. I just want them to know that many, many, MANY missionaries have tried to get my husband to get these discussions. Elder Foy and his partner Elder Goldhardt finally were able to get my husband to sit down and listen. I’m so thankful for how they have touched our lives…. changed our lives forever. We’re on the path to going to the temple and I’m so thankful!!

On another note….

the flu is out of our house! Crossing my fingers that Jayden doesn’t get it.

Missionaries – giving a shot out to their families :)

The missionaries that gave Gino his discussions were awesome. We really enjoyed them and had many laughs. Of course, the last laugh was on them! Elder Goldhardt is a HUGE Jazz fan ~ I’m hoping all of his friends and family are seeing this…. he’s actually wearing a Kings jersey! GO KINGS!!!

I’m thankful that we had the opportunity to get to know them. The made the discussions fun and I learned so much from them. AND! They got Gino to dunked 🙂

He’s Worthy!

Gino went to meet with the Bishop tonight and was interviewed for the Aaronic Priesthood. Just another stepping stone that puts a smile on my face and warm fuzzies inside.

I never thought I’d be here in my life and I’m so happy that I finally am. I look back at the stupid mistakes I made and could kick myself in the butt, but I think I need to be thankful for those mistakes, because if it wasn’t for those mistakes maybe we wouldn’t be where we are today.

Life is so short, and you never know when your time is going to come. Today on our way to karate there was an accident on the other side of the freeway. The entire front of the SUV was demolished. I started to cry. I felt absolutely horrible for the poor family that was about to receive the news that they lost someone they loved. I honestly do not believe that there were any survivors in the front seat. It literally was smashed to nothing.

We could wake up tomorrow and it could be our last day. That is how I want to live my life. I want to feel reassured that if I was to die tomorrow would I be proud and happy of the way I was living my life and treating the ones that I love. I can say now that I would be.

You had to know a complaint/vent was coming…

The baptism was beautiful and wonderful and everything that I expected, but I can’t hold this in anymore.

My inlaws and my brother were the rudest ever! Gino’s parents held it together through the baptism, and honestly I think my MIL felt the spirit, because it was hard not to. We had such an amazing turn out of supporter that they had to hold the talks before the baptism in the chapel…. I was told that never happens. My brother laughed through the baptism. I have no respect for that boy. He made me so mad.

I had a talk with Gino parents who seemed so concerned and full of questions before they came here that it would be really cool of them to stay the entire 3 hours of church so they could get some answers AND so they could support their son. This was going to be Gino’s 1st real time (we don’t count the first time he went to church) of staying all day, for all the classes. If anything it was mainly for Gino. It would be nice to have his father there for him, supporting him, even if he didn’t agree with our religion. I’m not asking the man to get dunked right there. I was just asking him to be a dad for once.

So, first off, they showed up 30 minutes late to church, with my son. They missed the confirmation, and walked in during the passing of the sacrament…. I cringed. The Sacrament meeting was amazing. My friend who sang at Gino’s baptism got up and sang His Hands in front of the church. The church choir got up to sing and the talks had me bawling in the mother’s room. This girl gave a talk that gave me chills. She just talked about life experiences of her’s and how the Holy Spirit has touched her life. One thing she said was how you don’t have to be LDS to know the phrase Listen to your heart. That’s the Holy Spirit. Listening to your heart is listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. She talked of how she had a miscarriage and how the comforting of the Holy Spirit got her through that time, and strengthened her marriage in a completely different way…. much like my situation with Mya.

So, nothing was said during Sacrament that would have people running for the hills. Yet, when it was over Gino’s dad rudely wanted nothing more to do with it. Yet, they can call and run their mouth with a bunch of questions. I could feel the contention in them and it made the trip difficult. After church Gino’s dad wouldn’t even look me in the eyes. I just found his actions so selfish and sad. The people in my ward tried so hard with my in-laws. I couldn’t be more thankful for them. Everyone was so nice and accepting.

Gino and I were walking to Gospel Principles and he said, “Amanda, this is why we didn’t invite them to this in the first place. I knew they would act like this, and all that matters is that we’re here doing what we’re supposed to be doing.”

I know that not everyone on this earth believes in the Mormon church. I’m not asking for everyone to believe in it, and I especially wasn’t asking my in-laws to believe in it. But what harm is there in giving it a chance? What harm is there in listening to a couple of hours of words of God that can actually inspire you? Why are you so quick to judge something you know nothing about? When you don’t even go to church, don’t pick up a bible…. you think your way is so much better than ours? So much that when you are offered a FREE Book of Mormon by your own daughter in law just so you could possibly learn what your son is doing with his life (since you seemed so concerned and full of questions just a week ago) you say NO. Your so quick to hate, and that makes me so sad for you.

I tried to keep these feelings to myself. It’s hard though. I needed to talk about it. I have no idea if they read my blog, and if they do then maybe they were meant to read how I felt about how they acted.

Next Sunday is the Primary Program. The primary will take over Sacrament and sing songs and give talks. Jayden will even get up to say something. I can’t wait. Sadly, Gino got scheduled to work and will be missing it 🙁 They better get his work situation fixed soon!

The Baptism

It was such a beautiful baptism. It actually turned out even better that I imagined it would. The spirit was so strong. I kept tearing up and had chills throughout the majority of it. I am so proud of Gino. His testimony has grown and grown and I love it. So many members of our church showed up and it was so wonderful to have all the support from our ward. They’re like a family, and it feels good to have them around. The closing prayer was given by Jayden and it was beautiful. Tear welled up in my eyes, and I hope that he remembers that day forever. The coolest thing ever is that Gino will get the honor of baptizing Jayden and Ella. How cool for him!

Today Gino was confirmed into the church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The spirit I think was even stronger today than yesterday. I hope that he can learn and

Gino stayed all day at church today and LOVED IT! It’s kindof weird at how different he is now. I know that seems strange, but it’s almost like I can feel the spirit gleaming off of him.

Children Stories

I just cannot get with it today! I haven’t even showered and dressed and we have to leave here in 40 minutes to get Jayden. I’m REALLY happy that Jayden doesn’t have school tomorrow. It’s always nice to have a little break.

I was looking on LDS.org today and I found that they have stories for children online. There’s stories on the Old & New Testaments and The Book of Mormon. They’re really simple stories for kids to understand. You can see them HERE. I’m going to print some out and read them with Jayden. He’s come so far since we started going to church and it’s nice to already see the good morals he’s forming.

Even if you’re not LDS and you have small children, these bible stories and neat for them!! If you don’t have children, reading children stories can help clarify things in the bible that you never understood.

Another random rambling of mine

Jayden had 2 games today. At first I didn’t even think he’d be playing any games, because his shin guards are MIA. We ended up buying some and he ended up 20 minutes late to his game. He played great though!

It’s a lazy Saturday for us. Gino’s at work and will be until 9pm. That means work for me, movies, and just laziness. It’s rainy outside and that makes me want to grab a blanket and cuddle up on the couch with the kids to watch a good movie.

In a week from today my husband will be baptized. Talk about exciting!!!!!! The missionaries were over last night for his almost last discussion. I learn something every time they come over, and every time I learn something it excites me and motivates me. It makes me feel good about the decisions that we’re making for ourselves and our family.

I’ve been racking my brain to figure out the second hymn for Gino’s baptism. We are having the closing hymn be Families Can Be Together Forever. In the program we’re also having our friends Autumn & Jared (they are married) sing A Child’s Prayer, but I can’t figure out the opening hymn.

Tomorrow is Sunday – no church, but we’ll be watching Conference on TV. We’re going up to the Bishop’s house for a little while, but other than that – I’m planning on a very relaxing day. That’s what I’m hoping on.

A Strengthening of my faith

In less than 2 weeks my husband is going to be baptized!!!! I’m getting so excited for him. I think the most exciting part is that we’re 1 step closer to an eternal family…. I LOVE THAT!

My MIL called last night and had some questions, and they were a little hard. They were questions about the church that I understand, but I’m not good at explaining. My biggest fear is that they’re going to have a negative attitude and ruin it for Gino. It’s hard to understand when you don’t know, and I’m hoping to have the missionaries come over and answer any questions they might have before the baptism. This is a huge decision for Gino, and probably the best decision he’s ever made for himself. I did suggest to his step-mom that they get the discussions if they’re interested in knowing what their son is getting into. The main thing they should be happy about is that we have a strong family and the church makes us stronger. Hopefully they take my suggestion and get the discussions…. what’s it gonna hurt?

Last night when I got off the phone I thought it was amazing how much stronger my testimony felt. Whenever I’m faced with someone who doesn’t believe that this church is true I have this burning feeling in my soul, and my testimony just gets stronger and stronger. It’s sad to me. It’s sad that there are so many people out there that I love that have no idea how this could be the most important thing in their lives, but I can’t force it on them. All I can do is continue to do what I’m doing and be thankful that I have the gospel in my life. That my children are being given the opportunity to have the gospel in their lives, and that my children will be a forever family. That in itself is one of the best blessings I could ever ask for.

General Conference is this weekend!!!! I’m so excited to watch it.