Pictures with Santa

We knew this is what kind of a picture we’d get this year. We already went to see Santa once and Ella was not very happy about him.

So, we let her scream and got the picture anyways…

It’s funny, because we have a framed picture of Jayden’s 2nd Christmas – roughly around the same age take away a month, and we were ALL sitting on Santa’s lap, because Jayden too was not very happy about the situation. Back, then I was a first time mom and wanted Jayden to be smiling and happy, now I’m like…. OH YES! Picture of the baby screaming….. at least we’ll have some good laughs about it one day.

I’m DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE with my shopping!!!! Feels so good. What doesn’t feel good though is the fact that in my garage is a ton of presents that need to be wrapped. *sigh*

Ward Christmas Party – and more sewing talk

Last night was our Ward’s 1st annual Nativity Scene Christmas party. We had a live nativity scene outside and it was beautiful! They even had a tamed turkey.

They had a buffet of soups and then right before the primary singing started Jayden came and told me he had an accident. Man! Right when I thought he was better. So, we had to leave.

To be on the safe side we didn’t go to church today. Which kinda sucks because it is the Sunday before Christmas. Instead, my husband is out breaking the sabbath doing Christmas shopping and I’m sewing. We will maybe do a lesson together as a family tonight. Funny thing is, Jayden’s fever is gone and he’s completely fine today! The lab called though and said that Jayden’s culture came back positive for strep, but it’s not the strep that they worry about and treat.

I finished all the rows for my niece’s quilt. I now get to sew them all together and I’m nervous about it! My Grandma said that this is one of the hardest parts. Gino’s out buying me pins so I can pin the rows together. I never knew sewing could be so therapeutic and addicting! I think for my next project I’d like to make Ella a patchwork skirt.

Snow Day Pictures

Yesterday we took the kids up to my Grandparent’s property to get some pictures of them in the snow – so I could finally make some Christmas cards and get them sent off before Christmas. I can’t believe how fast this holiday is creeping up on us. Next week is Christmas and I’m really not all that prepared. There’s not 1 present under the tree (not because we haven’t bought any, but because we have a very rambunctious 16 month old daugher) and it’s weird. Also, this is the first year that Gino and I won’t have surprises under the tree and that’s kinda sad, but I’m happy that we’re both getting exactly what we want. I’m getting a sewing machine! I’ll pick it out and he can wrap it and I’ll act surprised and excited.

Anyway… so, they had lots of fun in the snow. Jayden got sleds and went sledding down the hills on their property, and even sled right into Ella. It was so sad. So, I took Ella inside by the nice fire and had hot chocolate. I finished our Christmas card last night and sent it off to Costco for printing. I’m not going to post it on the blog until Christmas ~ I’d like everyone to be surprised when they get it.

Christmas Traditions

Boy we haven’t even decorated our Christmas tree this year, but I am getting really excited about the upcoming holiday. Today is Works for Me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer, and I haven’t participated in a while, but I’m back!

Family traditions are so important. There comes a time when they stop believing in Santa Claus, and having special traditions for your children to look forward to make the holidays special to them. Hopefully they are traditions that they too will want to continue on with when they have their own families.

Here are a few of ours:

We used to allow Jayden to open up 1 present on Christmas Eve, since that’s what I got to do as a child. We’re changing this tradition this year to something that I think will be much for fun and exciting for the kids. I read this on someone else’s blog and I wish I could give credit to whoever said it, but I have no idea. I will get a box and put stamps on it and address it to the Garibay Children. Inside the box will be Christmas pajamas, ornaments for the kids to put on the tree (somethng that represents them for the year), stickers, and a Christmas book. On Christams Eve I will have my neighbor ring our doorbell and the kids will go answer it and there will be their box. They’ll have no idea where it came from, but it will definitely be something that they’ll get to look forward to every year.

A tradition that Gino and I have started with our family is we buy all the fixings for an ice cream sundae. We all get to choose whatever ice cream we’d like to use, whatever toppings and we make big ice cream sundaes and snuggle up on the couch to watch A Christmas Story. This year, in the middle of us doing this the box will arrive.

We always get an ornament for everyone in our family each year. It’s so amazing to pull out the ornaments every year and reflect on the past years we’ve shared together.

Of course we make Christmas cookies for Santa and Jayden leaves Santa a letter ~ I then enjoy the heck out of eating those delicious cookies.

I would love to hear what other’s do for their Christmas traditions. So, please leave a comment and let me know what you do!!

Our Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Our Thanksgiving turned out wonderfully! It was just our little family, my mom, my brother & the missionaries. I’m happy that they wanted to spend Thanksgiving with us. They got to watch 1 football game & 1 Disney movie, so we watched Wall-E. Elder Foy, who has been her for such a long time and has become one of our favorite missionaries finds out today if he’s going to be transferred. Hopefully he gets to stay a little bit longer. I’m sad that my niece Alana & my nephew Vani & my sister Jessie would’ve been here though.

It was a pretty relaxed day. The food was delicious and even as I type this I’m considering going in the kitchen and making myself another plate….. gotta love those leftovers! I thought about the things I’m mostly greatful for and I think first and formost I’m so thankful for the gospel in my life, my husband & children and all of my family and friends. I was thinking that last year at Thanksgiving I wasn’t even thinking about the Gospel and didn’t have that in my life to be thankful for….. amazing what a year does.

This morning Gino and I were up at 5:30am to hit the madness. I really didn’t expect our Walmart in our little town to be as crowded as it was, but we pushed our way through and got the Blu Ray player that we wanted ($128.o0!) and then 7 1/2 hours later we were on our way home. I was exhausted, but we had fun together. It was nice just for it to be Gino and me ~ no kids with us. One thing I really wanted was deep red curtains for my kitchen sliding glass door and I found the perfect ones at Linen & Things, which is going out of business so they were cheap! Well, I get home and go to put them up and wouldn’t you know it…. they fit my living room window, but they’re way too short for my kitchen. So now my living room is going to have deep red curtains, because all sales are FINAL. Then I went to get Sleeping Beauty out of the Walmart bag so I can see how cool it looks on Blu Ray and we left the fricking bag at Walmart…. so, I was pretty irritated when I got home.

Tonight is the Ashland Christmas lighting festival. I’m not sure if I really want to go, but I have a feeling Gino will be dragging us all out to it.

I’ve been MIA from my blog for a good reason!

I haven’t been blogging lately, and there’s a reason! I’ve actually been productive. I’m on this kick to be organized all throughout the year of 2009. In order to achieve this new goal I have to start a little early. My office stuff is almost completely 100%, perfectly ORGANIZED! Huge accomplishment! This next week I’m going to be focusing on my closet and the kids’ toys.

I should’ve taken a before picture of my office area, but I will post an after. I’ll do a before & after post of everything else I accomplish ~ the big thing is going to be the garage…. it’s scary.

My mom is on her way up right now and should be in here in about a half an hour. I’m excited to be able to spend time with her. It’s so weird how I went from seeing her at least once a week to only seeing her a couple times a year. Jayden is REALLY excited to see his favorite Grandma. I actually asked him who his favorite Grandma was (I know, I’m terrible) and he told me my mom was. Then I asked who his favorite Grandpa was and he told me that his dad’s dad was his favorite Grandpa.

Friday I’m hitting up the Black Friday sales. I’m going to try to do it small this Christmas, which is going to be SO hard for me. Christmas is a really big thing for us, and I am going to try to bring back more of the spirit. If anybody has any ideas on some Christmas spirit things we can do please, please share with me!! I’m tired of buying a ton of stupid toys that Jayden doesn’t even pay attention to just so he can have lots of presents to open. I want whatever it is that we buy them for them to appreciate it, and I don’t want them to be overwhelmed with so many presents that half of it goes unnoticed. So… this year, simple for us.

Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving ~ I’ll try to come on and give a nice Thanksgiving post about the things I’m thankful for and how our day went. In the meantime I hope that everyone has a safe & Happy Thanksgiving.

2008’s Thanksgiving with the Hurds

I didn’t really take pictures yesterday, which is kinda sad. It was the annual Thanksgiving with the Hurds. Last year I got MANY pictures. Great pictures, but this year felt more like a zoo than a family.

People invited their friends – we had the hostile families that don’t really get along (me kinda included in that).

Everybody drinking beer. Not too into that.

It just didn’t feel like it felt last year. There were 45 people there, and it was hectic.

I really do love my Grandparents and I’m trying with my dad and I’m trying to not judge and to accept people for who they are. That really is a hard thing. I will say this though. I didn’t care that people were drinking – and I was uplifting and kept a smile on my face and truly tried. It just feel like a zoo.

So, I wasn’t in the picture taking mood. No pictures this year from Thanksgiving with the Hurds.


My cousin has turned 12 today. I’m sad, because we live so far apart and we never get to see each other. I just wanted to wish her a very Happy Birthday and I hope that it’s everything you’ve wished for.

Here’s a picture of Sydni and all her siblings (my other wonderful cousins) We’ll start from the back row on the left. Sydni (birthday girl), then Ryli holding my baby cousin Karson and then in the front on the left is my cousin Seth and Conner!!

I’m really hoping to make it up there to see them soon! I feel so bad that I live so far away!

Carving Pumpkins

We had fun! Notice the Happy Birthday tablecloth ~ it’s my friends birthday today, and she was up visiting so we had a Happy Birthday pumpkin carving party. Jayden drew his pumpkin’s face. He’s pretty proud of it.

It was Family Home Evening and everyone jumped right into the carving pumpkins before I could give my lesson. So, while everyone was carving I was talking about prayer and asking Jayden questions about prayer ~ Jenise probably thinks we’re a bunch of religious psychos LOL. It’s so important to have that 1 day a week that you’re together as a family. It’s what builds strong families, and I owe it to my family to ensure that it’s done every week…. even if it’s a quickie 🙂

These are the moments that I’m so scared to lose. I don’t want them to grow up and not get excited about sitting around the table together to carve pumpkins. I truly treasure every single moment with these kids. Even the screaming fits I get out of them. Their personalities just shine through them and I love it! I love how they are their own individuals and I hope they stay that way. I don’t want them to change themselves for ANYBODY!

Carving Pumpkins

We had fun! Notice the Happy Birthday tablecloth ~ it’s my friends birthday today, and she was up visiting so we had a Happy Birthday pumpkin carving party. Jayden drew his pumpkin’s face. He’s pretty proud of it.

It was Family Home Evening and everyone jumped right into the carving pumpkins before I could give my lesson. So, while everyone was carving I was talking about prayer and asking Jayden questions about prayer ~ Jenise probably thinks we’re a bunch of religious psychos LOL. It’s so important to have that 1 day a week that you’re together as a family. It’s what builds strong families, and I owe it to my family to ensure that it’s done every week…. even if it’s a quickie 🙂

These are the moments that I’m so scared to lose. I don’t want them to grow up and not get excited about sitting around the table together to carve pumpkins. I truly treasure every single moment with these kids. Even the screaming fits I get out of them. Their personalities just shine through them and I love it! I love how they are their own individuals and I hope they stay that way. I don’t want them to change themselves for ANYBODY!