This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Work with Jayden on his spelling/reading. Read to/with Jayden for at least 20 minutes every day. Get Jayden’s new Routine/Chore chart set up

Marriage: Watch my attitude with my husband, because Lord knows I can get one. I also want to work on looking at the positive things in our marriage instead of the negative.

Household: Finish Jayden’s room (we’re doing major decluttering in there!!) Detail Clean Master Bathroom.

Work: Get filing done. Anything that needs to be filed HAS to be filed by Friday or I’m going to go INSANE!!!!

Faith: I’ve really slacked on any kind of bible study, but I must say that church yesterday was so motivating and I’m going to set a goal for myself to Read both lessons that I will be learning on Sunday and spend 15 minutes every night reading the BOM.

Self: Tuesday & Thursday go walking & Weds & Friday exercise to cardio video – I have too much stuff going on today to exercise.

Friday Favorites

If you are reading this then the chances are you read my blog. And if you read my blog you know that I participate in a couple of weekly carnivals that involve me giving tips to my readers and linking my readers to another blog where more tips are involved. Believe it or not, I actually spend a couple of hours reading through a lot of the tips and I learn amazing things from them! Life transforming things! So I started thinking my family, friends, readers all need to hear about the things that I have learned from others. So on Fridays I am going to be posting a thread called Friday Favorites. It will be tips that I have learned through these carnivals that I participate in. So here is the first Friday Favorites.

Ingram Gang posted an awesome idea on Eye Makeup Remover: Mix equal parts of baby shampoo and water. She talks of how she used to use Clinique eye makeup remover and actually uses that container for her new cheap creation! AND it works as good! Baby shampoo is tear free – so it works great. I actually tried this and it worked!!!

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers posted about this chart that she made that had me running to the store to buy the supplies. I wish I would’ve thought about this before. I suck at the whole sticker chart thingy and this is PERFECT!! CLICK HERE to go to her blog to read about it – she has pictures and everything. If you are a mom I highly suggest you check this out.

CC posted a little secret that I never would’ve thought of in a million years. Baby wipes can be washed and dried many times before falling apart. I would never do this after wiping up my baby after changing her diaper, but baby wipes are great for rags, napkins, and from what she says has saved her money reusing them. She talks more about it on her blog so if you’re interested CLICK HERE

Stepford Wife’s Guide to Home Making posted about this and this one just got me downright excited. I have come to realize that I really do not like Febreeze. I love the idea of it, but the smell has just gotten old to me. Well, this recipe that she’s shared is amazing!! Here it is:
1/2-1 Cup of Fabric Softener (your choice of your favorite flavor!)
1 Cup of White Vinegar
2-3 Cups of Water (If you are using 1/2 cup of fabric softener then use 2 cups of water, if you’re using 1 cup of fabric softener use 3 cups of water)

Frazzmom posted a few tips when going out w/your children. They are worth reading so if you are a mom of a younger child please read this. CLICK HERE

I hope you enjoyed these tips and make sure you check back on Tuesday for Kitchen Tip Tuesday, Wednesday for Works For Me Wednesday & Friday for Friday Favorites!! And in between all that for a little bit of love, hate, parenting, stress, happiness basically life and me all rolled up in one.


These weeks have been flying by! It’s another Works for me Wednesday. Last week was backwards week and I actually got to ask for advice. I asked for tips on how to help my son to learn how to read. Thank you so much to all of you for your wonderful advice. I’m going to use it!! We’ve ordered the most suggested book out of my comments “Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons.” I can’t wait to get it and start on this.

If you’re anything like me clutter drives you nuts. I hate clutter (when I do my Random I HATES I might consider adding this to the list…stay tuned for that). I have found a great method of getting rid of clutter by taking baby steps.

First off set a timer. You can do so much in 15 minutes…so set it for 15 minutes. Grab a bag and rummage through your house grabbing anything you want to throw away. Don’t stop – work your butt off for that 15 minutes. You can even set up a box that you throw things in that you want to donate. The key thing here is 15 minutes….. set a timer and the second that timer goes off STOP! Then set your timer again for 15 minutes and do another task – like clean your kitchen, but only for 15 minutes!! After doing 2 15 minutes sessions set the timer for 15 more minutes and plop your butt in front of the computer, or with a book…whatever just for some little you time.

Try it…. sounds weird and like it won’t motivate you, but I promise you it will.

One little trick that might help before you do anything is SHINE YOUR SINK first and once that’s shining and gleaming things just come together. I promise you they do.

So set your timer and let things in your home start coming together. Remember it takes babysteps.

This all comes from the Flylady Go check out her website if you haven’t before. For other tips head over to Rock In My Dryer