6 Month Pictures and Stats on Miss Ella

6 Months old – Crazy!!! I know this post is a little late, she turned 6 months old on the 14th Valentine’s Day 🙂 But I’m just now getting around to recording her stats and updating on her doctor’s appointment. She’s 17lbs 10oz. 26 inches long. New things she’s doing: She’s discovered her shadow. She started this past week saying Gagagaga. She’s still trying with all her might to crawl, but can’t quite figure it out yet. She basically falls on her face 🙁 Poor baby girl!!! During her 6 month doctor’s appointment her Dr. was talking about how pretty soon she’s going to develop separation anxiety and blah blah blah well, in the middle of him explaining this all to me she’s watching his every move. Then out of the middle of nowhere she screamed her head off. Ever since that moment Ella has separation anxiety and screams every time I walk out of the room. She loves Jayden. She get so excited when he walks in the room and whenever he actually pays a little attention to her, her face lights up. She still hasn’t gotten any more teeth, but she has the 2 on the bottom. And when she bites they hurt! She loves other babies and gets all excited when she sees them. Already my social little butterfly. She discovered splashing the other day in the bathtub and I’m putting a video of that on here. I know that almost every picture of her she has no clothes on, but I promise you she has plenty of clothes….she just loves to be naked w/a diaper on. With how much this girls spits up I love her to be just in a diaper too.

EDITED TO ADD: I was just reading on my blog and it looks like I already did a little update on Ella’s 6 month stuff – see what having kids does to you? It sucks all the brain cells out of your head UGH – oh well, I hope you enjoy the pics and video of my little princess.

6 Month Pictures and Stats on Miss Ella

6 Months old – Crazy!!! I know this post is a little late, she turned 6 months old on the 14th Valentine’s Day 🙂 But I’m just now getting around to recording her stats and updating on her doctor’s appointment. She’s 17lbs 10oz. 26 inches long. New things she’s doing: She’s discovered her shadow. She started this past week saying Gagagaga. She’s still trying with all her might to crawl, but can’t quite figure it out yet. She basically falls on her face 🙁 Poor baby girl!!! During her 6 month doctor’s appointment her Dr. was talking about how pretty soon she’s going to develop separation anxiety and blah blah blah well, in the middle of him explaining this all to me she’s watching his every move. Then out of the middle of nowhere she screamed her head off. Ever since that moment Ella has separation anxiety and screams every time I walk out of the room. She loves Jayden. She get so excited when he walks in the room and whenever he actually pays a little attention to her, her face lights up. She still hasn’t gotten any more teeth, but she has the 2 on the bottom. And when she bites they hurt! She loves other babies and gets all excited when she sees them. Already my social little butterfly. She discovered splashing the other day in the bathtub and I’m putting a video of that on here. I know that almost every picture of her she has no clothes on, but I promise you she has plenty of clothes….she just loves to be naked w/a diaper on. With how much this girls spits up I love her to be just in a diaper too.

EDITED TO ADD: I was just reading on my blog and it looks like I already did a little update on Ella’s 6 month stuff – see what having kids does to you? It sucks all the brain cells out of your head UGH – oh well, I hope you enjoy the pics and video of my little princess.

I NEVER Thought I’d See The Day

That my husband would not work graveyard. My husband and I got together in July 2000. A month later he started working graveyard and has worked graveyard ever since. It’s just the way of life for us. I let him sleep til 2pm and then he wakes up and we have all evening together and then I get my time and he goes to work. Simple, works, I get my own bed all to myself 5 days/week. I always wanted him to work days. I always wanted to have a normal life. I always wanted to roll over and kiss my husband goodnight (not that I don’t do this on the weekends)

My phone just rang and I heard the rumor that his work might be doing away with Graveyard and thought ‘Wouldn’t that be nice?’ Well, it’s happening. His new schedule will be 4am-1pm. Well, that sure is a different “days” schedule.


  1. I will get to kiss my husband goodnight Sunday-Saturday
  2. My life will somewhat resort back to normal
  3. My husband won’t have to leave in the middle of his favorite TV show – and I won’t have to watch shows twice – yes, I watch Gossip Girl and others and then have to watch them all over again while pretending to be surprised. And yes, he watches Gossip Girl among other shows that would shock you.
  4. We’ll get a second car
  5. We’ll have all day to do whatever we want as a family (should this really be in the pro section?)
  6. My husband will no longer be lounging around in his boxers all day… this is because he will not be sleeping on and off on my couch w/a blanket…. DRIVES ME CRAZY!
  7. He will be able to take the kids to the park or somewhere fun and not be too exhausted so I can get some work done w/the kids.


  1. When he’s really getting on my last nerve he won’t be leaving at 9:30pm
  2. We actually will be spending more time together, which could cause irritation (hopefully this doesn’t happen)
  3. 4am?!?!?! WHAT were they thinking when they made up this shift? So that means that he’ll wake up at 3:15am and wake us up from being loud and then I’ll get pissy and then there will be drama ~ caused by me… Miss QUEEN DRAMA! Don’t mess w/my sleep – especially when it already gets messed with by Miss QUEEN DRAMA in training.
  4. He used to have weekends off. Well, now he’ll work Tues-Saturday ~ okay, this really isn’t that big of a difference. He’ll get off at 1pm on Saturday and normally he sleeps til 1pm on Saturday.
  5. I will actually have to get Ella dressed and drag her along w/me in the morning to drop Jayden off at school….brrrr it’s so cold, poor baby girl…. and if it ends up snowing anymore this will be no good.

Okay, so those are my Pro’s and Con’s at the top of my head. After all these years I’ve come to be really used to this schedule and while I’ve protested for him to switch I can’t believe he’s actually switching. I wonder what time he’ll be going to bed every night since he has to wake up at 3am.

You get to a point in life where you look back at the life you’ve lived and think WOW. It’s amazing how much things have changed for me. It’s amazing that 2 years ago I was a person I didn’t like. You go through life and you go through stages and I guess each stage makes you who you are. But I must admit, there are phases I wish I never went through. Friends I wish I never had. Decisions I made I wish I never made. But because of those friends, because of those decision I am who I am… right? Looking at my happy life, with positive people, positive friends, a happy marriage, Church and I just can’t believe I ever had the complete opposite of what my life is right now. I’m glad I changed. I’m glad my husband changed. I’m so happy I moved away from the most negative, chaotic place. I miss my mom, my sister, my brother. I do, but I know that marriage would not have survived had we stayed. And my marriage and my babies are the most important thing to me. You know what’s sad? A part of me honestly has no desire to ever go back there.