My husband thinks I have claws…

Yesterday we went to Jayden’s TBall game and as I was driving the sun was beating into my car. (Mental note – MUST GET WINDOWS TINTED THIS YEAR!) Anyways… the sun made me think about how I forgot the sunscreen. So, I make the comment of “Great! I’m going to look like a tomato by the end of the game.” My ever so loving husband actually had the nerve to say, “Um, I like to use the term lobster. You’ll look like a lobster. You know, because the lobsters have claws.” He looked at me and actually put his fingers up and clamped them together.


I thought this sign was hilarious.

Ramblings On Me

It’s the stake conference at church today and we’re not going. I really did want to go, but I really didn’t want to make Jayden sit through that for 2 hours. Not to mention, 1 hour of Sacrament meeting with Ella is hard enough, 2 hours is unthinkable. I am sad though that I’m missing out on all of the great talks they’ll be having today.

Lately, I’ve been struggling with this whole hormone issue that I’m having. I’ve lost all patience and I know that it’s effecting my family. Yesterday I freaked out on Gino for the mere fact that he didn’t get Jayden’s new fish aquarium ready the prior day so that we could go get the fish. Then I freaked out because Ella was whining and I needed a break. He chose to go and get the fish aquarium ready instead of take Ella and that made me even more mad. That is psychotic. I’m flipping over the stupidest things and I just want to feel normal again. This was all on his lunch break, which he should have been able to come home and relax, instead he had to deal with his hormonal wife. I did end up taking Gaba Ease as soon as he left and it was like a reformation…. you’d think I was bipolar.

I’m on day 2 of taking my progesterone, and I think I might feel a little bit different today. Gino’s been playing GTA4 all morning, and I’m not feeling the normal fury that I do feel when he plays. So, we just might be having some progress here.

I don’t want to get irritated with everyone the way I have been. I want the patience that my family deserves, and I hope that we all see a difference in me soon. If these progesterone pills don’t change the way I’ve been, then I’m probably going to have to make the decision to take out the Mirena IUD. I’d hate to do that, because at this point I don’t want to be prone to having any more kids. I’m not very good at taking other forms of birth control, and an oops baby just wouldn’t work.

I think today I might need to do some major scripture reading and prayer. Going to church always makes me feel so much better, but since we don’t have that today I need to do some personal scripture study. That probably means that the BOM blog will be updated today.

Happy Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Garibay

4 years ago today I made a commitment to my best friend that I would forever be by his side. That we would be together with every beat of our hearts. 4 years ago today we so different. I don’t even think you can really say that we were “in love”. We were in a comfortable situation with a kid and it was time. It was time to give Jayden the family that he deserved and it was time for us to get a vacation to Mexico. You think I’m kidding huh? NOPE!

Things have changed. When 4 years ago I never thought we’d make it, here we are happier than we’ve ever been. I’m proud that Gino is my husband. The changes that we have both made and the compromises have been so worth it. I could not imagine my life without this wonderful husband, wonderful father, wonderful man. I’m so happy that we stuck through the hard times, because they truly did help us grow together. We’ve only been married for 4 years and while it seems like a lifetime it isn’t. We still have an entire lifetime ahead of us and I can’t wait to experience every happy, depressing, angry, joyous, hurtful & loving moment together. Because that is how we will be for all eternity…… TOGETHER.

Happy Anniversary to us!!! Here’s to 60 more years!

Update to Mother’s Day Post

Here’s a couple of wonderful Mother’s Day moments that happened this year………..

1) I’m on my way home from church and I call Gino and tell him that we should go out to pizza for lunch, because that sounds really good. Gino then replies…. “I’m not feeling pizza.” Okay, Gino, what is it that Gino wants since it’s Gino’s day today. He shut his mouth and we ate pizza.

2) We came home and Gino went straight to the living room and turned on the Xbox 360 to play Grand Theft Auto 4. Lovely, just what I wanted to do on Mother’s Day. Watch Gino kill people on the TV…. Great! Needless to say I went upstairs to watch TV until he realized what he was doing.

3) After he turned off Grand Theft Auto and got me downstairs he turns on Sports Center. Are you kidding me?!?!? Do you really want to watch One Tree Hill Season 2 on Father’s Day? Because I promise I can so make that happen!

4) He turns off Sports Center to put on The Simpson’s for Him and Jayden. I at this point just had it. I don’t want to watch cartoons. I wanted to watch EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER! I went upstairs and watched it. FINALLY! Desperate Housewives comes on and Gino’s ready to turn the TV to something I like. So here’s where I out him online. Gino watches Soap Operas, LOVES Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, Brother’s & Sisters…. GOSSIP GIRL is his favorite show…. yes, this is why I know I will always be with my husband. He watches the same shows as me 😉

5) Through all his mindless screw ups on Mother’s Day, there’s one thing I’ll never forget and made my day….. when I woke up in the morning he put his hand up and said “High five!!! Happy Mother’s Day you do a great job.”

And #5 is why despite trying to make Mother’s Day Gino’s Day I still love Him.

P.S. I Love You

We sat down last night to watch this movie and I had already fallen in love with these characters as I had read the book. I cried from the beginning til the end. I’ve been having issues with death as it is and I really think I shouldn’t have watched this movie. I think it all started when Robert died. I began dwelling on death. I’m scared of someone I love dieing. I’m scared to die and leave the ones I love. I can’t even fathom the idea of not having my husband next to me. He’s my best friend. When something bad happens, it’s Him I go to. When something good happens, it’s Him I go to. I never want to lose Him. I love Him.

I know that none of us make it out of this world alive. It’s all in God’s hands and I know things will get better for me in this department as my faith is grows. As my testimony grows.

As for the movie, they butchered the book. It was a wonderful movie and I really did love it, but the book is 100 times better – but isn’t that always the case?


Over the past year I’ve grown so much more closer to my husband that I’ve ever been in our entire relationship. I wasn’t married when I got pregnant. I didn’t even get married until our son was 2 1/2. And even still I can say that I don’t think we were ready to get married. Many people say that there’s no difference. People use the ‘We’re basically married’ card. ‘Oh, it’s just a piece of paper.’ There was a time in my life where I was just like those people. I didn’t understand marriage. Life moved so fast for us before that I never stopped to appreciate or really understand marriage.

Over the past few months it seems like my marriage is not only growing stronger and stronger AND STRONGER, but I’m really grasping what a wonderful thing marriage is. It’s such an amazing feeling to know that we are here for each other. We are here to be best friends. I feel so lucky to be in a marriage that has gone through so much. We’ve been at low points, points that people actually get divorced over. We stuck it out. There have been times that I was not in love with my husband. But I stuck it out. I know there have been times when he was not madly in love with me. But he stuck it out. Isn’t that the point of marriage. Isn’t that why we say “For better or worse?” I am so happy that we can look back on all of our hardships and put a smile on our faces, because we are now at a point in life where we are so happy with each other. We were talking yesterday how divorce is never going to be an option for us. Gino told me about how there’s some famous person who recently passed away and the first date he ever went on was with his wife. They stayed married forever. Some interviewer asked him if they ever considered divorce. He says, “Never divorce, murder, but never divorce.” I thought that was so funny.

I love that my husband is my best friend. I love that we have so many things in common. I love that he loves me for who I am. I love him. I will always love him – even when I fall out of love with him, I’m just going to hang on for that moment that I fall in love with him all over again. The journey of marriage is one of the most exciting journeys in this lifetime. I love it. I love being married. I love learning everyday that marriage is not just a piece of paper, but one of the strongest bonds between humans.

This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Continue with reading at least 20 minutes per day with Jayden.

Marriage: Smile at my husband more often and not criticize.

Household: Follow every one of Kelly’s Missions this week. Work on 2 loads of laundry/day.

Faith: 15 minutes of scripture reading every single night. Kneeling down to pray every single night. Reading 1 bible story with Jayden out of Little Boy’s Bible Stories every night.

Self: Drink at least 6 glasses of water/day. 8 is a little much for me right now, so I want to start off with 6. Take at least 15 minutes in the evenings to pleasure read after kids are tucked into bed.

This Week’s Goals

Parenting: Work with Jayden on his spelling/reading. Read to/with Jayden for at least 20 minutes every day. Get Jayden’s new Routine/Chore chart set up

Marriage: Watch my attitude with my husband, because Lord knows I can get one. I also want to work on looking at the positive things in our marriage instead of the negative.

Household: Finish Jayden’s room (we’re doing major decluttering in there!!) Detail Clean Master Bathroom.

Work: Get filing done. Anything that needs to be filed HAS to be filed by Friday or I’m going to go INSANE!!!!

Faith: I’ve really slacked on any kind of bible study, but I must say that church yesterday was so motivating and I’m going to set a goal for myself to Read both lessons that I will be learning on Sunday and spend 15 minutes every night reading the BOM.

Self: Tuesday & Thursday go walking & Weds & Friday exercise to cardio video – I have too much stuff going on today to exercise.

Happiness Shattered in 1 Second

It amazes me how we can go through life doing our routines when something out of the middle of nowhere can shatter your happiness in literally 1 second. I feel like that happened to me tonight. I know that what I’m about to say doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it’s huge to me. My husband has worked graveyard for our entire relationship. We’ve known no different. I mentioned before about how he will be moving to days. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, but it’s grown on me. His new schedule was going to be 4am-1pm Tues-Sat. It was the perfect schedule! Jayden gets out of school @ 12:30pm so we’d have all day together. Tonight my husband called me to tell me that he checked the schedule and he’s scheduled for 3pm-midnight starting 3/10/08. I LOST IT! I was hysterical on the phone. My poor husband thought I’d be happy and I wasn’t. See, he failed to look at the biggest con to this whole thing. Jayden has had his daddy all day his whole life. You can’t rip that away from a child. You can’t go from having your dad around all day to only seeing him 1 1/2 hours a day. Jayden gets home from school at around 1pm. Gino would have to leave the house at 2:45pm. They’d never see each other and it’s not gonna work. Gino is going to have to go in there and tell them that we based our lives around this new change. Going away from graveyard was a big enough burden on us, but now they’ve changed what was originally planned. It’s not going to work. I will not have this big of a change happen to our son. As I was talking about tonight, Jayden’s already having problems this will make them SO much worse.

Please pray that something happens here. I wouldn’t even mind Gino working 8am-5pm….anything but 3-midnight. That is the worse shift EVER! And I was just getting into cooking dinners and OMG I am so depressed about this.

I NEVER Thought I’d See The Day

That my husband would not work graveyard. My husband and I got together in July 2000. A month later he started working graveyard and has worked graveyard ever since. It’s just the way of life for us. I let him sleep til 2pm and then he wakes up and we have all evening together and then I get my time and he goes to work. Simple, works, I get my own bed all to myself 5 days/week. I always wanted him to work days. I always wanted to have a normal life. I always wanted to roll over and kiss my husband goodnight (not that I don’t do this on the weekends)

My phone just rang and I heard the rumor that his work might be doing away with Graveyard and thought ‘Wouldn’t that be nice?’ Well, it’s happening. His new schedule will be 4am-1pm. Well, that sure is a different “days” schedule.


  1. I will get to kiss my husband goodnight Sunday-Saturday
  2. My life will somewhat resort back to normal
  3. My husband won’t have to leave in the middle of his favorite TV show – and I won’t have to watch shows twice – yes, I watch Gossip Girl and others and then have to watch them all over again while pretending to be surprised. And yes, he watches Gossip Girl among other shows that would shock you.
  4. We’ll get a second car
  5. We’ll have all day to do whatever we want as a family (should this really be in the pro section?)
  6. My husband will no longer be lounging around in his boxers all day… this is because he will not be sleeping on and off on my couch w/a blanket…. DRIVES ME CRAZY!
  7. He will be able to take the kids to the park or somewhere fun and not be too exhausted so I can get some work done w/the kids.


  1. When he’s really getting on my last nerve he won’t be leaving at 9:30pm
  2. We actually will be spending more time together, which could cause irritation (hopefully this doesn’t happen)
  3. 4am?!?!?! WHAT were they thinking when they made up this shift? So that means that he’ll wake up at 3:15am and wake us up from being loud and then I’ll get pissy and then there will be drama ~ caused by me… Miss QUEEN DRAMA! Don’t mess w/my sleep – especially when it already gets messed with by Miss QUEEN DRAMA in training.
  4. He used to have weekends off. Well, now he’ll work Tues-Saturday ~ okay, this really isn’t that big of a difference. He’ll get off at 1pm on Saturday and normally he sleeps til 1pm on Saturday.
  5. I will actually have to get Ella dressed and drag her along w/me in the morning to drop Jayden off at school….brrrr it’s so cold, poor baby girl…. and if it ends up snowing anymore this will be no good.

Okay, so those are my Pro’s and Con’s at the top of my head. After all these years I’ve come to be really used to this schedule and while I’ve protested for him to switch I can’t believe he’s actually switching. I wonder what time he’ll be going to bed every night since he has to wake up at 3am.