Dear Old Followers…. I miss you ~ but you can follow again!

Lately I think I’m pretty much blogging for my eyes only. I have lots going on in this brain of mine too, because I spend a lot and I mean 7 HOURS of alone time a day. You can only imagine that things I’m cooking up in my brain. Unfortunately, since is not mine and all of my followers {and comments} are on that domain I pretty much don’t think I have any readers…..


BUT that’s not stopping me. I’m determined to get my domain back and was REALLY close, but now the people I have to talk to suck at getting back to you. So, I’m sortof at a stand still…. Yet I’m still blogging. So, I took off my old follow gadget off, which had all of my followers from and now we’re at a good ol’ fresh ZERO followers….. but at least now anybody new that shows up over here can FOLLOW until I get my stupid domain situation fixed.

Seriously…. Don’t EVER EVER EVER let your domain lapse ~ whatever you do!

SO ~ if you like coming here or used to follow me before you can join again. So you won’t miss any of the oh so exciting stuff I have going on…. Like the 30 Days of Truth.


I left my heart at Hertz Car Sales

Yesterday was bittersweet for me. I had to make a decision that was best for my family. My beautiful, beautiful, fun car is GONE. I can’t believe I actually got rid of it, but I had to tell myself…. it’s JUST a car! I need my family to be comfortable with a 3rd baby on the way…. AND the amount of money I was paying for that beautiful car was borderline INSANE.

So, I smartened up a bit and traded it in yesterday. I went from


PEOPLE…. I AM A MINIVAN MAMA!  The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE this car.  I cried as I left the dealership and I don’t think I was really nice to the people, because they were keeping the love of my life.  But I’m okay.  It’s JUST a car and I can have a car like that any other time in my life…. but right now it’s not logical.  Did I mention my insurance has dropped $50 and I can only imagine how much my gas bill will drop w/not driving a hemi.

So there’s the newest big change for the Garibays.


Mission Monkey

I have a very happy life.

My children and us are healthy, happy and I feel we are extremely blessed.

This can change in the blink of an eye though.

Meet Monkey. Life was normal just a couple weeks ago. Then her mom found a lump, then was told her 16 month old baby has cancer.
Life changed.  And I can’t stop thinking about how one second life can be good, the next so bad.

I’m giving my babies more hugs and kisses and thanking God more for my blessings, but knowing that life can’t always go as we have planned.  We have to embrace what good is going on in our lives at the moment.  I can’t dwell on the past, I can’t dwell on relationships that haven’t worked.

I can just be thankful for my current blessing, my current happiness, because tomorrow it can all be gone.

To follow Monkey’s story you can head over to Michelle’s blog {Momma’s Pixie Dreams} offer her your support, prayers and love as she ventures into a journey of cancer with her child…. it’s not right, it’s not fair.


Quick Check In

I got a few emails checking in on me so I thought I’d do a quick post letting you all know I’m okay 🙂 I have taken a blog break this past week, which was much needed. There will be no Just a Motivating Monday this week again, but will resume next Monday. I should be back with a post all about Jayden’s baptism early this upcoming week. Now I’m off to my in-laws for the weekend ~ (WE HAVE A HOUSE SITTER IF YOU THINK THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO ROB THE GARIBAYS).


Rambling Mess of Sense

I truly believe that you make your life what it is. I realized this concept back in 2006 when I picked up the book The Secret. I might drive people in my life crazy with my positivity and always looking at the bright side of things….even in the darkest moments, but I believe that this attitude is what makes my life so wonderful.

Don’t get me wrong, life is far from perfect for me.  But thankfully I have learned through reading amazing books from people like Jim Rohn that we set our sail.  The same winds blow on us all…. honestly, the rich experience the same things as the poor.  The happy experience the same things as the unhappy.  The thing is, when that wind hits you, YOU have to choose how you react to it and how you embrace it into your life.  

I know people that are from my past read my blog {hello blog tracker – kinda creepy that I have stalkers from the past}, and I’m sure they’re going to read this and frankly I don’t care.  I have experienced extreme disappointment from MANY people in my life.  And due to that I hold a nice wall perfectly around my heart.  I don’t let many people close to me, because amazingly when I do they can’t appreciate my honesty, and I’m only honest because I love them.  I can’t stand their negativity and I have had to learn how to close my ear to it, because I love my life and I know if I focus on the bad things in life… more bad will come.  I can’t stand their excuses…. every excuse you give to prevent you from growing as a person and stepping outside of your comfortable little world is only hurting you.  

Some of the closest people in my life are no longer in my life, and guess what…. it’s the negative people, the miserable people, the people who can’t stand the positive outlook I see on things.  People, come on!  Complain about being broke over and over and over again without doing a damn thing to do something about it gets really old.  These past few days I’ve actually reflected on some of my relationships with people who are SUPPOSED to be unconditionally there.  I’ve thought hard about what good things they’ve brought to my life and you know what, I can’t think of 1 thing.  I think about my phone conversations with these people and holy negative!  

So, yes, this was one rambling mess, but I’m actually extremely happy with the people that are in my life, the people who are not in my life and what I am doing with my life.  

And for you amazing special people that are so close to me and have an amazing, positive imprint on my life I love you, and YOU KNOW WHO ARE!  Yes, Celeste, you’re included!  You have become one of my very best friends and I couldn’t imagine my life without you ~ we HAVE to always be next door neighbors…. ALWAYS



So I’ve sucked at Project 365… my pregnancy got the best of me and I just down right sucked at doing anything in life. Then my pregnancy ended… so project 365 isn’t happening. I’ll jump back into the game and maybe call it Project 335 🙂 But just bare with me… in the meantime you can always catch up on me and my life over at {Garibay Soup}.

Just Like That

You could be sitting in your home, with your family, warm, smiling, all is well. In the blink of any eye your entire world can end up in shambles all around you.


My heart has literally been aching for them. Seeing the babies being pulled out of the rubble. Watching moms scream out. Hearing of the thousands of dead bodies just being tossed into dump trucks with no regard. The millions of people that’s lives have been shattered.

Last night I layed in my extremely comfortable bed, my down comforter hugging me as I started to drift off, and it’s then that I realized Just Like That… we could be sleeping on the streets with all of our possessions crushed. Just like that, we could be down on our knees pleading for God to answer the millions of prayers for the disaster that just ruined not only our life, but the lives of millions of people.  Just like that, your life as you know it could be over.

For some reason I don’t think a disaster like this has hit me as hard as this has hit me. Maybe it’s the babies, the children, the anguish I see in mother’s eyes. Maybe it’s the fact that there’s millions of people feeling hopeless, and missing their loved ones, not knowing if their loved ones are dead or alive, or buried in rubble..  I don’t know what it is, but I’ve shed many tears, said many prayers.


You can call me MISS APRIL

Our blogging community is AWESOME people. It really, really is. When something happens to somebody we flock together to do everything we can.

In November a blogger named Anissa suffered a MAJOR stroke. The recovery road ahead of her his going to long! We’ve seen the power of prayer do wonders, and we’ve seen the power of our blogging community do the same.

12 mama’s got together and posed for a calendar for Anissa. YUP… I posed in a Boobs for Anissa calendar. And guess what? I’M PROUD OF IT! All proceeds will go to Anissa Mayhew’s family to help out during this rough patch in their life.

{CLICK HERE} to see the calendar…. and buy it!!! PLEASE we want to raise as much $$ for this family as we possibly can!



Project 365

This year I’m signing on to Project 365!  That means every, single day of this year I will be taking a picture and uploading it right here!  I will probably even take this fun project as an opportunity to play with tutorials and different effects… so, plan on visiting daily, because EVERY DAY there will be a new photo!

EDITED TO ADD: I’m totally slacking in this department…. I think I might have a project 355 ahead of me instead! My battery charger for my camera is currently MIA…. no bueno!