Rolling over!!! Not just yet, but this little girl wants to more than anything! She just turned 3 months old on 11/14/07 and I swear she is one baby that knows what she wants, when she wants it, and if she doesn’t get it…oh boy! Well, here’s a video of my princess trying to roll over.
Isn’t she just so amazing and strong? This little girl is such a blessing to this family and in her short life she really has gone through so much. Stuff babies shouldn’t have to. But because of our Heavenly Father and all of the prayers from everyone and of course her heart medicine, Ella is healthy and going strong!!
She’s also cooing so much and smiling and flirting! She loves to suck on her hands. Even after she spits up all over them…gross!!!! But, she’ll hold her hands together and keep them close up by her chest or once she can figure it out they go in her mouth that’s where they go. I’d say about a few weeks ago she started to notice Jayden. It’s like wow, look at this crazy guy running like a mad man all over the place! Let me smile at him! So, whenever Jayden’s in the room Ella is sure to watch his every move. Quite cute. And he is an amazing brother. We were scared of a little jealousy, but there’s none at all! He loves to help out, although sometimes he doesn’t LOL.

A little on Jayden ~ he is my prince. If you know Jayden you remember that he was once a crazy child for a few years there. So crazy that he exhausted the crap out of me! Well, while he’s still crazy (just not as) he’s also turned into such a handsome, polite boy! This is his Kindergarten picture and by looks of it I think I might be having to beat girls away with sticks pretty soon! He has such beautiful manners! One day he even held open a door for me and said, “Ladies first” OMGoodness! He’s just a charmer! He’s learning so much and I’m just proud of him!! I have parent/teacher conference on Tuesday which he will attend with me. All in all this little boy, who is my best friend, is doing great! It would shock some of you 🙂

In this 3 months since our baby girl has been born, Gino and I have had to deal with a lot. We’ve never really split up before, but we were faced with that. I was staying at the hospital with Ella, while Gino would stay home with Jayden and it was really hard. It was best that it was done that way, because even though there were times that I needed him there with me, to support me, our son needed at least one of his parents with him. In some ways it was so hard on us that we had a hard time w/each other, but it also made us stronger. We were faced with something that we had to grasp on to each other’s love for support and understanding. I have probably realized more than ever these past 3 months how much I truly love this man that I WILL spend all eternity with.