
So, what kind of a person goes out and buys a BlackBerry and then doesn’t even install the software on the computer or even hook it up to the computer for 4 months? Um, yeah, that would be ME!

I finally decided to play around with my phone and see what hooking it up to the computer would really do for me. WOW! It charges my phone, I can use my phone’s internet hookup for my wireless internet and there’s like so much more! I have a 4GB memory card in my phone and finally decided today to get some music on it. I feel like I just got a new phone!


I KNEW it was gonna happen – JUST KNEW IT!

So, I’ve been waiting ever so patiently for Ella to turn 18 months so I could shove her into Nursery and actually listen during Sunday School & Relief Society. I’ve always had this feeling inside that right when she was ready to go to Nursery that I’d get a calling that would be in primary.

Today I got called to teach the 8 year olds turning 9 this year. The ones that just got baptized. I’ll be teaching the class with the Bishop’s wife, Wendy, who I absolutely love. So, I’m pretty excited, but had to giggle inside that what I had a feeling would happen actually did happen. This year we had made the decision to stop going to Gospel Essentials and start going to Gospel Doctrine instead… especially since they’d be studying Doctrine & Covenents, but Gino will get to hang out in there all by himself…. or with Ella until she turns 18 months. I”ll still study the weekly lessons with Gino at home so I can learn, and so that he’ll be prepared and understand what they’re talking about.

Today was Testimony Sunday at church and I still didn’t feel like I was ready to get up and share my testimony… I don’t know why, because I do have a strong testimony. I’ve seen this gospel completely turn my family around. We’re not even the same people as we were before. Gino has done a complete turn around and I’m so thankful for the gospel. It’s only been a year and 1 month that we started coming to church, and a year and 1 month ago I never would’ve thought we’d be where we are now. I’m thankful that I now have a better understanding of why I’m here on this earth. I’m not just lost in this world wondering what the point of it all is. I know what the point is, and I know what I’m supposed to be doing, and I’m striving my hardest to do it all. I’m not perfect, and neither is my husband, but we’ve come such a long way and it feels good to be on the path that we’re on. I hope we never lose track of it, because it feel so right and so good.

I’m feeling absolutely horrible today and I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t have a cold or the flu, but I just don’t feel well. It may just be my body telling me that it’s had enough of the torture I’ve put it through these past few days of doing major stuff around the house, so maybe I need to listen to it and just relax for the rest of the day.

Day 2 of Productiveness

New Years Day I woke up MOTIVATED!!!!! I’ve done so many projects around the house and it feels SO GOOD! Here’s a list of what I’ve done:

I’ve done MANY MANY MANY loads of laundry…. and I’m going to keep doing this throughout tomorrow until it’s ALL DONE!

I’ve cleaned out my linen closet and organized it to where it’s a beautiful sight when opened

I cleaned out the coat closet and donated 5 coats

I went through my closet and Gino went through his and we donated everything we haven’t touched in the last 3 months… unless, of course it was special

I’ve tackled the dreaded junk corner of my room

I’m making schedules for what I’d like my days to be like in 2009

I cleaned the inside and outside of my car plus got Gino’s car & my car’s oil changed and tires rotated

And I got rid of my housekeeper. I don’t see the point in paying someone to do something that I think I can do better…. so, Flylady on Monday I’m a new faithful follower…. I even have my control journal out and ready to start flying!

My main focus right now is decluttering. I don’t want the crap I hold on to anymore. I’m taking tomorrow to finish up the inside of the house (Garage is Monday’s project) and I’m determined to start work on Monday with a newly organized and smooth running system. This month is going to be extremely busy, because I have so much on my to do list concerning work that all has to be done by January 31st.

I hope I motivated some of my readers, because just reading this is getting me motivated all over again.

Tomorrow’s main goals….

Finish all laundry
Finish all filing
Organize Jayden’s room
Go through boxes in Jayden’s closet
Clean all bathroom & kitchen floors

I hope I’m as motivated tomorrow as I’ve been these past couple of days.


Nothing’s better than celebrating the New Year with your family. Prior years we’ve gone out and let me tell you from experience, IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER TO START THE NEW YEARS WITHOUT A HANGOVER!!!

We rang in the year with movies, Uno and a little Welch’s Grape Bubbly. It was the perfect night! I got to kiss my babies right after kissing my husband and was happy that we were all safe at home…. together.

Here’s a couple pics and a video of Jayden singing. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

She conked out until the blowing of the New Years horns I bought woke her up

Another Inspiring Day at Church

I missed the last 2 weeks of church. Today I finally went back and couldn’t be more happier that I did. I think that the talks that were given today were absolutely wonderful.

During Sacrament the topic that was talked about was how to deal with people questioning and basically hating our church with a Christlike attitude. It’s such a difficult thing to do, because I personally get very defensive and upset when people mock my religion, especially when they have NO CLUE what it’s about. Half the people in this world don’t even think that Mormons are Christian. It baffles me since Christ is what are religion is all about, and isn’t being Christian believe that Christ is our savior?

I am horrible at being Christ like. Today opened my eyes in areas that I wish I could be better at and gave me some goals to work towards. I want to be a better example for all of my friends and family. I want to be that person that people look at and wonder…. hmmmm, how is she so happy? What is it that makes her life seem so complete. Maybe some people already think that, but sometimes I don’t feel like that, and that’s the point I want to be.

I’ve been slacking in a lot of areas. Personal scripture study, family prayer, family home evening. That’s just to name a few. I feel like things have been so hectic that I’ve stepped off my path a little bit. It is a good feeling to know that I can get right back on it, and I have the power to do it all by myself. I feel like my life has been a little chaotic, and I need to get it back to where the chaos wasn’t effecting us.

Early Christmas for Ella – Elmo’s World

Yesterday I took the entire day to myself. I shopped, spent time with one of my sisters (one of the daughters of my dad… the 16 year old) and got my teeth cleaned, checked in w/my orthodontist…. it was a BUSY BUSY day. I absolutely loved every single second that I was out of the house without my kids.

While I was gone Gino had the kids helping out around the house. He told me Ella even had the swiffer and was mopping for him. Excuse me, but why don’t my kids do this for me??!?!?! Why is that my husband can get them to be productive but I can’t? Ridiculous!

Anyways… Gino went into our garage, which is nightmare beyond nightmare beyond nightmare to try to find my stocking that I’ve had since a baby. No luck, but he found a ton of other stuff! One of those talking Elmo’s that Jayden had as a baby that Ella now has fallen in love with. It’s like Christmas for her! So tonight she’s been going around pressing Elmo’s hand so that Elmo will sing Elmo’s World to her. He found tons books and their Finding Nemo movie… little did he know that I bought the movie yesterday for Ella. Now I have to take it back LOL.

I was going through some of the pictures that I took and found this one of Jayden… what the heck was going on with that expression? He is a crack up.

I GOT IT!!!!

And there it is. My new sewing machine. It’s sitting on my table and I just want to sew something soooooo bad! My first project is going to be my sister’s quilt for her baby. So, I have to start cutting squares. I only have 2 out of 5 of the fabrics that I need. I need to find some cotton Raiders fabric here in the valley and a cute white and gray fabric. The fabrics that I do have are sparkly pink and sparkly purple…. yeah I know it’ll be really different…. but it will be cute!

I can’t wait to get started! But before I even start cutting my squares I have to clean up my house and do some work things. Which totally sucks, because I’d rather say forget it all and play with my new toy!!!


I live in a very dysfunction family. I really do. I love my family to death, but sometimes I really wonder what’s running through all their minds.

Have you ever watched the show Brother’s & Sister’s? It’s one of my favorite shows, and sometimes I can completely relate to them. I even have the gay sibling. I have a brother who doens’t want to grow up and face the babies that he makes in this world, and I just want to shake him. My sister is Mexican, but she’s white. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I guess she turned Mexican when my Mexican husband turned white. And I love it – I love her and I’m proud of her and the accomplishments she’s making in her life. I have a 10 year old sister that I don’t acknowledge too often. I need to try harder there, but it’s just weird. Her mom is 2 years older than me. I have a 16 year old cheer leader sister who is like OMG so cOoL! She is probably the only one out of the 3 of my dads that I have connected with and have somewhat of a bond with. She’s a sweet girl and I love her mom.

I have a total of 5 siblings. I’m very active in 2 of those siblings lives, and the other 3 scare the sh*t out of me. I don’t know why, but I almost feel like I have to shut my heart off to the other 3, because I don’t want to take any of my love from the first 2.

My gay sister and I have had issues. I don’t agree with the way she’s living her life and frankly don’t want her lifestyle around my kids. But that’s not fair. She is my sister. She wants a relationship with her only older sister. Other than me she has 4 younger siblings.

How do you just start relationships with these strangers who yearn for your love and acceptance? It’s harder than you’d think. I’ve had to mend things with my father in order to even start thinking about his girls. I have honestly seen an answered prayer happen right before my eyes. I went to my Bishop and talked with him about my father and how I judge him and I got amazing advice from him. I was scared about making the first step in calling and trying to start up a relationship with him again, but I didn’t have to make that first step. Literally 3 hours after my talk with the Bishop my dad called ME! He called just to call and to say that he loves me. In my eyes, that was Heavnly Father showing me that it’s okay to have a non-expecting relationship with my father here on earth.

I now am gaining another type of sister here in Oregon. There’s a girl here that has the same name as my gay sister, so this might get a bit confusing, but she’s carrying my niece or nephew. Unfortunately, my brother and her do not get along at all, and this sucks. I think a few posts ago I was talking about him and my niece’s mom, and here he has yet another baby on the way. I’ve told this girl that I will be there and even go to the doctor’s appointments if she’d like, but I wish Mitch would snap out of this and step up and be a man. Gino’s had some pretty intense talks with him, and hopefully one of them has stuck with him.

I don’t know why God sends babies to sticky situations when there’s so many wonderful, married couples out there that can’t have babies. Or wonderful families, like ours that has lost babies. It’s not fair, but we have to put faith in our Heavenly Father that there is a good reason for it all.

2008’s Thanksgiving with the Hurds

I didn’t really take pictures yesterday, which is kinda sad. It was the annual Thanksgiving with the Hurds. Last year I got MANY pictures. Great pictures, but this year felt more like a zoo than a family.

People invited their friends – we had the hostile families that don’t really get along (me kinda included in that).

Everybody drinking beer. Not too into that.

It just didn’t feel like it felt last year. There were 45 people there, and it was hectic.

I really do love my Grandparents and I’m trying with my dad and I’m trying to not judge and to accept people for who they are. That really is a hard thing. I will say this though. I didn’t care that people were drinking – and I was uplifting and kept a smile on my face and truly tried. It just feel like a zoo.

So, I wasn’t in the picture taking mood. No pictures this year from Thanksgiving with the Hurds.

My Night With Edward…..

Was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! So, Emily and I went together and met up with Kari & baby Brady (he was such a good baby through the movie!!! YAY for Kari) and ended up seeing a few other girls from our ward there, so we all sat together. There were a few parts in the movie that I giggled, okay LAUGHED! But, all in all I really did love the movie. It moved so fast, which to me was a bit of a downfall, but I am happy with the actors, which I didn’t think I would be. It was really high schoolish, but that’s what the book was intended to be. Then a bunch of us old people became obsessed, forgot about that small detail and made the story into what we pictured it as… and I never pictured it being so high school. I can’t wait for New Moon to come out! Tonight I’ll be seeing it AGAIN with Gino. Then we can start listening to New Moon on CD ~ Gino’s into the Twilight Saga ~ come on…. you know you wish your husband was involved with it to 😉

Don’t mind the quality of the photo…. UGH it was taken with my crappy P&S and the quality SUCKS…. but we so had to have a picture of our night out!!