I’m in a rut – but here’s an update

I haven’t had much to say lately. I’ve been sick with a cold for over 2 weeks now. Today’s the first day I woke up w/out a horrible sore throat, so that MUST mean that I’m on the road to recovery…. finally.

Next week is Thanksgiving and my mom will be coming up and bringing my niece, Alana. I am sooooooooo excited to get Alana and Ella together finally. Last year Alana was up for Thanksgiving, but they were just little babies.

I’ve been overwhelmed these past few days and today I’ve got a lot of tackling to do. It’s anti-procrastination day over at Flylady.net and I’m going to stop procrastinating and get some stuff done. I just have to do a nose dive into it all.


She says the following now:

What’s that?
Who’s that?
all done
thank you
oh wow
No No

I think there’s more, but those are the ones that are on top of my head. She talks all day long. This girl never stops. She’s climbing up on top of tables, trying to putt drawers out so she can get up on the counters. This girl is one determined and smart little cookie.


Every night before bed HE reads me a book. He’s been doing amazing with his reading… I’m so proud of him. He’s been working on his Articles of Faith and has #1 done to a T, and we’re on #2 this week. If he can get it down we’ll move on to #3, but I have a feeling we’ll be on #2 for another week. We say it at night before prayers and in the morning before prayers. He’s done with soccer (I’ll get pics and video up soon) and he’s still doing amazing in his piano and is still working hard at Karate (or in his words Kung Foo).

I don’t understand sometimes why God blessed me with the most perfect, amazing, beautiful babies. I’m so lucky and blessed to be able to be their mom.

I got tagged by Rachel

1. What is your husband’s name? Gino
2. Who eats more? Gino
3. Who said, “I love you” first? I did on accident getting off the phone.
4. Who is taller? Gino
5. Who is smarter? Um… ME!
6. Who is more sensitive? Me
7. Who does the laundry? For the most part me – but if needs laundry done he’ll do it.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you’re standing in front looking at the bed I’m on the right
9. Who pays the bills? Me.
10. Who cooks more? Me. Gino used to cook every night, but now I’m the cook.
11. Who is more stubborn? I think me.
12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I don’t think we ever admit that we’re wrong… it’s an issue.
13. Who has more siblings? We have the same amount – I have 4 sisters 1 brother & Gino has 2 sisters 3 brothers.
14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think I do.. but Gino probably thinks he does.
15. What do you like to do together? Gossip and watch movies
16. Who eats more sweets? I think we’re about even on this ~ we both don’t eat too much sweets
17. Guilty Pleasures? Picture frames, candles & bath stuff – oh! and clothes ~ for Gino hands down video games and clothes
18. How did you meet? at my mom’s work
19. Who asked whom out first? Um… we just sortof hung out as friends and then it escalted
20. Who kissed who first? Gino kissed me out front of Mountain Mikes in Jackson
21. Who proposed? Gino. And the word shit was involved…. he was nervous
22. His best features and qualities? His smile, his commitment to his family, his love for us, his eyes, and how he can cook… and I too, Rachel, love that Gino can open up jars for me LOL

I am tagging ~ Aimee @ Momzoo, Kimberlee, Tammy & Emily


I have worked so hard on not being negative and it really is hard when I’m hit hard with it. I understand that situations can be hard, stressful and it’s hard to see a positive aspect on it. I understand that so much. However, what I don’t understand is when people create negativity for themselves and try to pull everyone in the negativity pool with them.

Instead of freaking out and causing havoc in everyone’s life around you, why don’t you just stop, take a deep breath and work on solving the problem. Let’s not create more problems, let’s fix the problems we have. This is totally work related, and I’m having a tough time dealing with negativity coming from it. We are in a sticky situation and it’s hard.

I am trying so hard to remain positive and find solutions for the problems this company is having right now, but when the head of it is so negative it’s hard to remain positive.

Deep breath……. I can do this.

Our First Baptisms

I know that I have readers that are not LDS, so I wanted to explain something before I talk about what happened last night.

If you believe in God and you believe that the bible is true, then you probably believe that in order to return to our Heavenly Father you have to be baptized. What about the people that didn’t get a chance? Do you really think that our Heavenly Father would be so unjust that he wouldn’t ensure that eveyone had an opportunity to receive that important ordinance of baptism? I believe this church to be true. I believe that the fullness of the gospel was taken from the earth many years ago, and that through Joseph Smith the fullness of the gospel was restored. I believe that during the time that the gospel was not on this earth that the priesthood, who has the authority to baptize was also not on this earth.

If you’re not LDS I understand that you don’t believe this, but I do and just want to clarify all of this before I elaborate on last night.

I had a friend once explain to Gino about being baptized by the proper priesthood authority like this…. Basically, let’s say you want to get a driver’s license and you decide to go and get it from this guy who makes them in Oak Park (I’m from Sac… it’s ghetto there LOL) instead of going to the DMV and get the proper one. So, you have your license and your driving around, but it’s not a true drivers license… right? It’s the same we think about baptism. So, that’s why Gino got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints even though he was already baptized once in the Catholic church. He needed to get baptized by someone who had the proper priesthood authority, and on October 11, 2008 he did just that.

Okay… so back to the people that never had a chance to get baptized by the proper authority. That is one of the beautiful things about our temples. We as members can go and get baptized for our ancestor’s who have passed away that never had the opportunity to get baptized. That is what baptisms for the dead are all about.

Last night Gino the honor and priveledge to get baptized for 2 of his uncles that passed away. These uncles were uncles that he was very close to. Last night Gino walked down the steps to the baptisimal font and for his first time ever baptisms for the dead was baptized for Tim & Jorge Garibay. After Gino came out of the water and sat down to get them confirmed and to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the emotions were strong… even our Bishop stopped because he was starting to cry. It was an amazing.

I had the honor and priveledge to get baptized for a dear friend of mine that was murdered. Melody Hawkins was a close friend to our entire family, and I am so happy that I was able to get baptized for somebody that was truly a special soul.

I’m excited to be able to work on our genaeology and start doing all the work for our ancestor’s who never had the opportunity to receive the ordinace of baptism.

Gloomy, Beautiful Saturday!

It’s Saturday today, and strangely it actually FEELS like a Saturday. We woke up early (thanks to Ella) and I’ve been doing laundry ever since my feet hit the floor. I’m sure the flylady would love that.

The weather outside is gloomy. Not raining, just a little overcast and peaceful. I love that. It makes me feel like I can have an inside, accomplishing day and not feel guilty about it.

We’re all feeling better and the house has been sanitized, so hopefully this icky bug is out of our lives for good!

Our Halloween was awesome. I’ll be uploading pics & video a little later today. If I start working on pictures it’ll take over my day. I have goals for today and so far I think I’m going to accomplish them.

1) Filing – I want it ALL DONE TODAY!!! I’m doing quite well on this goal.

2) Laundry – This I also want all done today, but let’s get real here ~ probably not going to happen. However, I’ve already done 4 loads and am not planning on stopping until tonight. My laundry is out of control, and that in turn makes my life out of control. So, if I don’t accomplish it all, then at least I can make a nice dent!

and those are my goals for this gloomy, wonderful Saturday! I think it’s so wonderful because it’s the first day in a really long time (besides our sick days) that I don’t HAVE to leave the house. Jayden’s done with soccer (pictures and video to come on this as well) and Gino works, so it’s kinda like a my day in a weird way.

Also ~ it’s Digital Scrapbooking Day so, if you’re in to Digital Scrapbooking I’d be high tailing it over to Ikea Godess (CLICK HERE), because there’s a TON of freebies going on. That’ll be my fun evening downloading as much as I can.

Spoke Too Soon!

I have the flu horribly today. It was so bad this morning that Jayden didn’t even get to go to school, because I couldn’t drive him. Tonight is the Halloween carnival at church and I’m so upset that I’m not going to get to go.

This sucks!

Missionaries – giving a shot out to their families :)

The missionaries that gave Gino his discussions were awesome. We really enjoyed them and had many laughs. Of course, the last laugh was on them! Elder Goldhardt is a HUGE Jazz fan ~ I’m hoping all of his friends and family are seeing this…. he’s actually wearing a Kings jersey! GO KINGS!!!

I’m thankful that we had the opportunity to get to know them. The made the discussions fun and I learned so much from them. AND! They got Gino to dunked 🙂

Pumpkin Patch

Can’t believe it’s already that time of year! We took the kids to the pumpkin patch yesterday and took lots and lots of REALLY cute pictures. Ella loved it out there. She cried when we left. I think she enjoyed just wandering out in the beautiful country. Since we went on a weekday we weren’t able to do all the fun stuff (pony rides, tractor rides, corn maze…) so, we’ll have to go back this weekend. My friend Jenise was up visiting from Sacramento and she came along with us and picked out a pumpkin to carve too! Hope you enjoy the pictures and video!! BTW ~ I bought the video camera I was raving about a couple days ago, so expect many videos of the kids! Here’s one I took at the pumpkin patch ~ I have some of carving the pumpkins too, but that’ll be in the carving pumpkin post 🙂

Pumpkin Patch

Can’t believe it’s already that time of year! We took the kids to the pumpkin patch yesterday and took lots and lots of REALLY cute pictures. Ella loved it out there. She cried when we left. I think she enjoyed just wandering out in the beautiful country. Since we went on a weekday we weren’t able to do all the fun stuff (pony rides, tractor rides, corn maze…) so, we’ll have to go back this weekend. My friend Jenise was up visiting from Sacramento and she came along with us and picked out a pumpkin to carve too! Hope you enjoy the pictures and video!! BTW ~ I bought the video camera I was raving about a couple days ago, so expect many videos of the kids! Here’s one I took at the pumpkin patch ~ I have some of carving the pumpkins too, but that’ll be in the carving pumpkin post 🙂

I want another camera

I have an obsession with cameras. I always want a new one. Well, I’m pretty happy with my actual camera, but not my video camera. I don’t take videos of the kids much because it really SUCKS! I was one of the new pretty digital ones. I’m even thinking that I could really use one of these FLIP video cameras just to take little clips of the funny things that the kids do. There’s so many things that I want to remember. Like the way Ella squeezes and the funny dances Jayden does. I’m adding one of these to my Christmas list.

Gino’s going to kill me when I tell him I want ANOTHER camera.